deegermany’s Diet Profile

Joined on February 23rd, 2009

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About Me:

Beautiful mom of 3 who is just too busy and keeps gaining weight each year.

The goals I'm working toward:

  • get under 200
  • lessen the amounts of fried foods I consume
  • work out every single day

I haven't felt comfortable with my weight since:

I have been in high school.

My favorite healthy food:

Grilled Salmon, strawberries, grapes, pineapples, cornish hens, homemade turkey burgers.

My guiltiest pleasure:

Fried chicken and salty chips

I'm inspired to live a healthy life because:

I am getting older, and I want to stay beautiful and look younger than my age.

Healthy habits that work for me:

  • Eating at home and not ordering out
  • keep healthy snacks in my desk at work
  • get some type of exercise at least everyday

My favorite activity at the gym is:

yoga classses

The accomplishments I'm most proud of:

  • My children-middle child honor roll student,
  • staying beautiful no matter how much I weigh
  • Owning our dream house