BamaManda’s Diet Profile

Joined on January 14th, 2009

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About Me:

My name is Amanda. I live in Birmingham Alabama. Im 23 years old. I work for At&t Advertising Solutions, and obviously sitting in a cubical... Ive gained a lot of weight in the last 3 years Ive been employeed here. Im currently trying to lose about 100 pounds. I have to stay dedicated and focused on the prize. (which is being healthy, and a normal weight) Its really hard to not want to go eat a chocolate chip cookie right now!!! =)

The goals I'm working toward:

  • Losing 100 lbs
  • Running 2 miles 5 days a week

I haven't felt comfortable with my weight since:

3 years ago.

My favorite healthy food:

I love fresh fruit and veggies!!!

My guiltiest pleasure:

Chocolate chip cookies!!!

I'm inspired to live a healthy life because:

Its bad for your heart when youre overweight. I dont want to be that 20 something girl that has a heart attack!!!

Healthy habits that work for me:

  • Drinking only water
  • Keeping apples at my desk at work

My favorite activity at the gym is:

When I was in college I ran 3 or 4 miles everyday!! I was in awesome shape! Not the skinniest person ever, but I was in great shape. Very healthy! I felt so good when I ran, so Im going to get back to doing that. Im really ready!

The accomplishments I'm most proud of:

  • Not drinking soda