Tag Archives: biggest loser recaps

Biggest Loser 10 Premier Recap with Shay Sorrells

They didn’t go BIGGER this year, they went wider, as in nation-wide to find this season’s Biggest Loser contestants! Bob Harper and Jillian Michaels always start out by setting the stage for the season and this time they gave some pretty staggering statistics! The truth is, the shape of America is changing and it’s not for the better, so Biggest Loser is continuing to do their part to shape up America and inspire people to get out and get active!

I love how Bob and Jill got to go to spots across the country, lead workouts, lead challenges and talk with people who have done the journey on their own at home! I also loved how they showed several people who had tried out for the show or were inspired by the show and made the changes on their own at home. Daily, I get Facebook messages and tweets about how people wish they could workout with Bob and Jill and this season tons of people got that opportunity! SO amazing!

I think the whole challenge to get on the ranch is actually a really interesting twist. It really shows a “fight” in people to go after what they want. Yet, it’s heartbreaking because you know everyone needs it, but the reality is not everyone is going to make it. But if I know Biggest Loser like I know Biggest Loser, don’t count these people out too soon! (more…)

Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Finale with Amanda Arlauskas

Tonight was a night of epic weight loss. The contestants of Biggest Loser Season 9 weighed in for the final time on the finale stage. Daris George and Koli Palu waited in suspense for Alison to reveal America’s vote for the third finalist. America chose Daris to join Ashley Johnston and Michael Ventrella in the final three.

The eliminated contestants came out in small groups to reveal themselves and to weigh-in. Sherry Johnston held the lead for the at-home winner for awhile, until Darrell Hough took it from her. It wasn’t until Koli Palu weighed in and lost more than 50 percent of his weight that he then snagged the title of the Biggest Loser Season 9 “At-Home Winner” earning him $100,000.


Biggest Losers Run Marathon – Week 18 Recap

The contestants are back on the ranch for one last week before the finale. The contestants view videos about themselves from their first days on the ranch, and are able to reflect back to see how far they have come. When the tears dried up, it was time to get back to reality and head home. Each contestant goes back to their own home state to a welcome party where they will reveal themselves and weigh-in in front of their family and friends. As they each do this, a surprise video from Alison comes on the screen, and she shares that each of the final four will be running the Biggest Loser Marathon in just one month.


Biggest Loser Recap – Final Four

With only five contestants left, tension on the Biggest Loser Ranch is already at an all-time high. Each contestant is fighting for a spot in the final four. As if the stress from the last week on campus isn’t enough, Alison tells the contestants that instead of the usual yellow line and deliberation, there will be a twist this week.

With no yellow line in existence, this week’s weigh-in will consist of only a singular red line. The player that loses the lowest percentage of weight will be eliminated immediately, leaving the rest of the players a definite spot in the final four.


Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Episode 16 with Amanda Arlauskas

It’s finally Makeover Week on the Biggest Loser ranch! This is the week that every Biggest Loser contestant wants to make it to. Alison surprises the six remaining contestants with a $1,000 gift card to go shopping wherever they choose to pick out new clothes that can compliment their new bodies. Each contestant goes into a store and tries on clothes they never thought they could fit into, but are now for the first time realizing that all of the hard work was worth it.


Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Episode 15 with Amanda Arlauskas

The contestants are about to hit the road yet again! Alison tells them this time they will head to Texas to meet with some of the unhealthiest and unfit Americans. Upon their arrival, they learn that they will participate in a 5k with local residents.

The contestants each head to several different radio stations in order to promote the 5k event, to convince people to come out to the Cotton Bowl and to join in on the start of a healthier lifestyle. Daris George finished the event in a record time of 21 minutes. Inspiration just filled the atmosphere as many locals came out to run and/or walk the event. I know tears filled my eyes as I watched everyone cross the finish line.


Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Episode 14 with Amanda Arlauskas

Victoria Andrews of The Biggest Loser

With seven contestants left, the game is on more than ever. Alison starts the episode with an all day temptation. She presents a room upstairs that the contestants will have to choose breakfast, lunch, and dinner from. There are healthy and not-so-healthy options. Whoever consumes the most calories all day will win the only vote at elimination this week. For Koli Palu, this is a no-brainer; he will do whatever it takes to keep his cousin safe from elimination. He eats… a lot, and wins.

Dr. Huizenga comes to the ranch to visit with the contestants. He updates them on their current health status, and how far they have come from week one. For a player like Michael Ventrella to really see the changes is eye-opening, and makes it that much more worth it to continue working as hard as possible each week.


Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Episode 13 with Amanda Arlauskas

As the contestants are enjoying their breakfast, they get a visit from Alison who tells them it is time for a pop challenge up in the gym. They each must balance a tray with one hand, and pile as many quarters as they can on to the tray. For whoever holds on to the tray the longest, however many quarters they put on their tray will then be equivalent to ten dollars. Michael Ventrella and Sunshine Hampton are the last two remaining. Michael ends up winning a total of $2,000, while Sunshine comes in second earning $650.

Biggest Loser Season 9 Week 12 Recap with Amanda Arlauskas

This episode opened with Alison Sweeney standing in the gym alongside a podium with a big red button. Alison tells the contestants that they each have access to the scale all week, but only once. Each contestant has to compete in losing two percent of their body weight first, and once they are confident they have done just that, they have the chance to hit the red button, which alarms all across the Biggest Loser campus. The contestant will then weigh in, and if they hit the two percent they win immunity!


Biggest Loser Recap Season 9 Week 11: The Contestants Return to the Ranch

This was one of the most intense, nail-biting episodes of the season. Emotions ran high for everyone with the constant threat of going home, plus the reunion with all of their eliminated friends and foes. The episode opens with Alison revealing a table with everyone’s colored shirts. No more black versus blue; it’s individuals. Everyone was excited to put their shirts back on and ditch the tension of team animosity.

The surprises didn’t stop there, though. Alison then turned to see a wall open and all of the eliminated contestants were standing on the stage. They were there to earn their place back on the ranch. In previous seasons the contestants had to weigh-in and the person with the highest percentage of weight loss would be welcomed back to the competition. However, this time, they would be chosen by a vote. This took everyone off guard, with John commenting that it would likely come down to a popularity vote.

The contestants still weighed in, revealing some impressive work done by many of the them at home during the past ten weeks. After that, each of the remaining contestants took their turn announcing their vote and why they were choosing that person. It really wasn’t a popularity contest, more than anything it was an opportunity for everyone to show they were all there for the right reasons, as it was a head-to-head competition between John and Victoria, two people who desperately needed the opportunity to return. In the end, Michael cast the final vote and said he was proud to be the first person to welcome Victoria back to the ranch. (more…)

Biggest Loser Season 9 Week 10 Recap with Amanda Arlauskas

One of the biggest challenges these contestants will face will come when they must return home, and this week presented a sneak preview of that. Alison surprises each with an unexpected week-long visit home. As most are excited, they have to keep in mind that it is not a vacation, it is merely time away from the ranch where they must continue on their strict diet and exercise regimens mixed in with family, friends, and other distractions. (more…)