Tag Archives: biggest loser recaps

The Biggest Loser Marathon in the Season 10 Episode 12 Recap

Ohhhh it’s the final four, marathon week, and more!

Everyone heads home for their “reveals.” Let me tell you, it is so weird to sit in that car and wait to reveal your new self to your family and friends. I am sure it is much different when you are going home as a final four than when you go home “eliminated,” but I think no matter how you get home it’s completely nerve-wrecking! (more…)

Meet the Final Four in the Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 11 Recap

It’s week 11! Wait, really? Yeah it is! I almost forgot what week it was, but really after makeover week everything seems to blend together! So this week Alison drops the bomb that the deadly RED line is back and that two people are going home, which will whittle down the house to the final four. Every time that red line rears its ugly head everyone in the house goes BANANAS! You see crazy workouts, crazy focus and attention to every morsel. It really takes everything up a few notches. Even Bob and Jillian get the red line fever and they start making every single rep a last chance workout. (more…)

Makeover Week Recap for Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 10

So this week was the ever anticipated makeover week on the Biggest Loser. It is when all the guys who have chowchillas growing on their faces get a clean shave and get a little metro and the girls get an awesome celeb touch of highlights and hotness to show so much less of themselves off to their family and friends! By week 10 most people have already had a dramatic transformation in the weight loss department so to be able to fully see it with attire and all is a confidence booster for sure.

I don’t know if you have noticed but there are few to no mirrors on the ranch. There are small mirrors in the bathrooms but it is RARE to catch a full body glimpse of yourself the entire time you are there. I was sent home the week before makeover week so I can’t fully tell you what it is like (insert tears and heavy sigh here), but from what I have heard it is amazing to be out of the sweat fest and to see what you have been working so hard on. For many it’s the first time in a long time they are shopping in “regular” sizes and are finding their body shapes are totally different. (more…)

Inspiring Letters from Home in Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 9 Recap

OK, OK, so last week was the world series of game play and this week was literally as if the last eight weeks never happened! Whether that is good or bad I am not sure, however I must say I did enjoy watching this week without almost damaging my TV by throwing things at it and by not screaming so much that the husband had to leave the room.  It really is a true testament to the roller coaster of events and emotions that equates the journey! WELCOME TO THE BIGGEST LOSER!

The highlights for me this episode were: (more…)

Contestants Playing Dirty in Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 8

OMG! Seriously? I can’t even start at the beginning as I am just freaking blown away at how Frado and Brendan have run this season like the Boston Marathon! Those guys have single-handedly bullied and game played their way to the top and the rest of the contestants are being picked off one by one. Who ever said the mafia was gone? (more…)

Biggest Loser at USMC’s Camp Pendleton in Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 7 Recap

The week starts off with a very new twist! After the last elimination (of my fav Adam *grrr*) Ali announces two guests into the room, both of whom are United States Marines! They don’t waste any time gearing up and shipping them off to Camp Pendleton for a week of basic training!


Black Team Controls the Elimination in Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 6 Recap

WOW what an episode! This week, instead of the notorious face-off week, only ONE player’s loss will count for each team! Talk about pressure! Of course the strategizing starts at the very moment that Ali gives this news to the teams. The real kicker is that the opposing team gets to pick who weighs in! That is just asking for game play. Oh don’t you just love how Ali brings her Days of our Lives drama to Biggest Loser!

At the glorious four seasons, the teams compete in a cooking challenge! I love that! I wish we could have had a cooking challenge. I love to experiment in the kitchen. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t love cooking with Curtis Stone by your side? The Blue team takes the win, over the black team supported by Chef Lorena Garcia, which gives them a 10 second head start in the next challenge.

Try the Grilled Tuna with Herb Tapenade and Succotash and Salad of Green Papaya with Peanut and Grilled Shrimp prepared by the blue team. (more…)

Shay’s Calling Out the Game Players in Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 5 Recap

It’s family game night on the Biggest Loser this week!


Curtis Stone’s Cupcakes and Vegan Dinner at Bob’s in Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 4 Recap

Oh cupcake-dness temptation! Our first temptation (as you saw in the cameo with Jillian admitting to plotting to kill Tracey) was a cupcake challenge! What is with the cupcakes already? I would have been more tempted by cheesy pasta back then! Just FYI, Bob and Jillian totally hate the temptations! I think because it is reinforcing that bad eating behavior based on feelings (i.e. in this case fear, as you saw with Elizabeth). They want us to recognize that you can do bad all by your … work ethic! But they also know that the game gets crazy and it gets in your head and sometimes you play the game just to keep the game players from the game. Confused yet? Good, now you know what it’s like to be on the ranch!

Try Curtis Stone’s Vanilla Cupcakes Recipe and Bob’s Vegan Recipes from tonight’s show. (more…)

Jillian’s Still the Man in Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 3 Recap [VIDEO]

So episode three had some interesting stuff going on. After the first elimination there are a ton of emotions and they did a great job showing how it got in everyone’s heads! I was shocked though to hear Tina have regrets after Allie was sent home, especially after seeing the lack of support Allie had at home. I know this ruffled a ton of feathers in the house. I think it’s awesome that Lisa wants to help Allie, but she will be able to help her a lot more the longer she stays on the ranch and takes care of herself. And to be honest, it’s probably her need to take care of others that got her to the ranch in the first place. (more…)

Biggest Loser Contestants Arrive at the Ranch in Season 10 Episode 2 Recap

Here we are at episode two of season 10. We got to know everyone last week and now it’s time to see the fainting, puking, etc. in the gym! First, I LOVE that Bob and Jillian got to pick two contestants to join the rest of those that made it to the ranch! I do notice that  Bob loves us “biggest” Biggest Losers! And we all know that Jillian loves a fighter! They definitely picked the two that I believe will truly benefit from the ranch and that America will benefit from watching their journeys unfold.

The first workout, as always, was brutal to say the least. The trainers beat the smiles off of them! Oh, and not to mention beat the snot, puke, and tears out of them in true Biggest Loser fashion. Welcome to the ranch season 10!

Continue below to read Shay’s recap or watch episode two in its entirety! (more…)