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Living Lean

Living Lean

Lose weight naturally through behavioral therapy.

Top Rated Diets of 2024
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As of 2/10/11, the Living Lean cognitive behavior program no longer appears to be available.

Living Lean is a program that gives you the power to live lean naturally. With Living Lean you can lose weight quickly, end cravings and be in control.

Living Lean involves cognitive behavior therapy to help you break the mental and emotional bonds that are keeping you overweight. Living Lean is also endorsed by some health insurance companies and wellness providers.

It is a course that contains 14 different lessons. These lessons are delivered online through a certified instructor and teach you how to take control of your eating and relationship with food. The Living Lean web site offers a tour, success stories, a 14-day trial and a demo of the lessons that are given once you start the program.

The end result is to get you to eliminate your emotional ties to food, end cravings for sweets, stop binges and lose 15-30 pounds in six weeks without dieting.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2024?

  • Works on your attitude towards food instead of just temporarily changing your eating habits
  • Courses taken in the privacy of your home
  • Risk-free trial available
  • Helps you lose weight naturally
  • Program recommended by insurance companies
  • No exercise encouraged
  • No cost information available

Living Lean doesn’t focus so much on what you eat, but your behaviors towards food. Living Lean takes you through seminars that will deal with the emotional eating and cravings that continue to cause overeating. Through the lessons that you will receive you start to make healthier food choices and only eat what your body needs. You will also receive meal plans, recipes and food lists to help you along the way.


Exercise isn’t really emphasized a lot with the Living Lean program. There is mention of an exercise tracker being part of the tools available once you become part of the Living Lean community. With this tool you can set and track your goals. There isn’t any mention of a recommended type of exercise or how often you should exercise. It is possible that this information is given once you become a member of the program.


Living Lean seems to take a different approach at helping you lose weight. Rather than going after the eat leas and exercise more philosophy, Living Lean changes your behavior from the mind. Using cognitive behavior therapy, Living Lean teaches you how your relationship with food should be. It gives you back the power of controlling how you interact with food and helps you make healthier choices so that you can lose weight and be healthy.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

living leaned, livings lean, living leen, livinglean

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