Tag Archives: budget

One Family’s Experience: Feed Your Family for $15 a Dinner

Feeding your family both nutritiously and inexpensively can be a challenge. Are you up for one?

When I posted a link to the Whole Foods Initiative, Feed Your Family of 5 for $25, many readers suggested that the $25 threshold wasn’t that big of a challenge. Readers felt that it would be more difficult to feed either a large family with that figure or spend less money. I decided to try to do both, and went to my local grocery store with a week of dinners planned. I gave myself a budget of $75 to feed 8 people for dinner. I did not include charges for staples or spices that you should have in your house, like garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil and honey. I was surprised to see that it was not as tough of a struggle as I had anticipated.  (more…)

The One Dollar Diet on The Dr. Oz Show

Tune in this Monday, October 25 to The Dr. Oz Show when America’s favorite doctor tells you how to eat for less and lose weight.

Eating well does not have to mean going into your savings account to pay for fruits and vegetables. In fact, eating inexpensively and dropping a few pounds is much easier than you think. On The Dr. Oz Show, you will learn about how to stretch your dollar without stretching your waistline with Dr. Oz’s $1 Diet. (more…)

Buying in Bulk Helps You Eat Healthy on a Dime [VIDEO]

Do you ever find yourself in one of those warehouse stores where they sell in bulk, but you’re afraid you’ll never get through the whole thing without getting tired of it? Well, this week’s healthy on a dime tip will help you save your dimes and your time.


How to Score the Best Deal on a Gym Membership

Who doesn’t love a great deal? Whether it’s a pair of summer sandals you found during a January sale or an amazing price on automobile insurance, these days it seems increasingly more important to spend that extra bit of time doing your homework and bartering your way to a great deal.

When it comes to memberships to gyms and fitness clubs, you can up your chances of walking away with an awesome deal by keeping a few things in mind.

Follow these guidelines to score a win for your health and your wallet.

Check with your employer. Many companies have deals with gyms that give you a gym membership at a significantly discounted rate. If your boss considers exercise walking to and from the microwave, inquire with your company’s human resources department to get the most accurate information. (more…)

Feed Your Family of 5 for $25 Challenge

There was a time in history when $25 would have fed a family of 5 for a week or more. Times have changed and money just doesn’t go as far these days. Often, many families have a strict budget for meals, and they find themselves cutting out key nutrition in order to get those budget numbers to line up.

Recently, Whole Foods Markets initiated a challenge to feed a family of 5 a nutritious, healthy dinner for $25. That’s more difficult than it sounds. Sure, if you served Ramen noodles and canned pears, it can be done – especially if three of the family members are under the age of five. But what if you wanted to serve a nutritious, well-balanced meal? A meal that covered all of the key elements, was delicious and filling, and you have three teenagers? Do you think it could be accomplished? (more…)

Eating Healthy on a Dime: How to Make Your Own Soda

Many people tell me how difficult it is to kick the soda habit. My solution? Homemade soda!

Watch now as I explain how to make it for yourself!


6 Weight Loss Excuses that Aren’t Cutting it

Excuses are all too common to the process of getting into shape. (And, no, round is not a shape!) Some of them are legitimate: time is short for all of us, work and family responsibilities pile higher and higher, and exercise is often seen as an expensive, unnecessary burden. Let’s take a look at the most common excuses that are used and blow them out of the water. Your best body is right around the corner!diet excuses

1. I don’t have time. Make time. Take a good, solid look at your schedule. Do you watch television? Maybe during a never-missed show you can add treadmill time. Or do squats, sit-ups and lunges during commercial breaks. Walk during your lunch hour. Run the stairs at your house for ten minutes three times a day. Wake an hour earlier. Somewhere in your schedule there is a chunk of time hiding. Find it. (more…)

How to Afford Eating Healthy in a Comfort Food Economy

It’s no secret that the economy stinks these days. According to a survey by a Chicago-based research firm, people are passing on the healthier options offered at fast food and casual dining restaurants in favor of a super-sized serving of comfort. Eighty-two percent of respondents say their better-for-you items are selling ‘lousy.” Customers are citing economic factors for their preferences.grocery shopping mom

More than half of consumers say they are more concerned about their eating habits than they were a year ago… yet:

  • 70% say that healthful foods are harder to afford
  • 53% say they buy less-healthful items because those items are cheaper (not necessarily, as I wrote about the price of salmon vs. hotdogs)
  • 44% say their budget prevents them from eating healthful foods
  • 34% of respondents say that they are choosing cheaper fast food over more-healthful options
  • 9% are skipping breakfast and 3% are skipping lunch

To that, I say, this is totally unnecessary. People may think they are saving, but trust me, they are paying for it in their health. They’ll pay even more later whether it’s in some combination of weight gain, lower energy levels or poorer quality of life.

Instead, here are some tips to maximize your comfort with minimal strain on your pocketbook. (more…)

20 Affordable Ways to Lose Weight Without a Gym Membership

joggersGym memberships are not for everybody and can be rather expensive these days. Driving to and from the gym requires a time commitment as well. Below are 20 ways to lose weight without hitting the gym.

  1. Early morning walk/jog
  2. Afternoon walk/jog
  3. Evening walk/jog
  4. Take the stairs whenever possible
  5. Walk instead of grabbing a taxi or driving
  6. Ride a bike instead of grabbing a taxi or driving (more…)

Salmon is Cheaper than Hot Dogs

salmon and herbsStill think you can’t afford to eat healthy? Think again! Hands down one of my greatest pet peeves is when people say they can’t afford to eat healthy. Whether it’s choosing a $1 candy bar in lieu of a 17 cent banana or buying a $3 coffee instead of a 50 cent low fat yogurt, people make food choices every day that don’t make nutrition a priority. But would you ever think that salmon, which is rich in omega-3 healthy fats to promote heart health and brain health, would be cheaper than hot dogs made with who knows what?

Check out this table that cost-compares sources of protein. Salmon comes out well above hot dogs, ground beef and ham for “cost per pound.”

costs of protein sources


Make Fitness a Tax Deduction With the PHIT Act

marathon runnerThe clever acronym PHIT stands for The Personal Health Investment Today Act of 2024. The PHIT Act was introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives last spring, and is intended to amend the IRS code to allow fitness-related tax deductions for up to $1,000 for individuals, or $2,000 for married couples filing jointly or heads of household.

But, only certain sports and fitness expenses qualify. The PHIT Act defines qualified activities as amounts paid for fitness center memberships, physical exercise programs, and exercise equipment.

Here are some of the expenses that are covered: (more…)