You Have to be Your Own Motivation in Weight Loss

Many people ask me to help them find motivation, to be their motivation or how to get motivated. Here is the secret… NO ONE BUT YOU CAN BE YOUR MOTIVATION.

I was inspired by previous contestants on The Biggest Loser too, but that alone did not get me through that first work out with Jillian or back on that ladder. The thought of my life amounting to 476 pounds and all that I had fought against and through yet not being alive long enough to make it worth it motivated me. You have to find your motivation, your IT factor. You have to decide what YOU want. Then GO FOR IT!

After you find your motivation, get a plan, get a buddy and get busy! I have found that positive quotes or sayings can keep me going, pick me up and get me moving on the really slow or low days. Take a dry erase marker and write them on a whiteboard, a mirror, or put them on an index card and hang in your car or office. Write it on your hand while you are on the treadmill.

The options are endless and the results priceless.

Get Bob’s This Is Your Life poster at NBC.

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