First Mobile App for Eating Disorder Treatment Now Available from Recovery Record

Recovery Record Home ScreenResearchers at Recovery Record have announced the creation of the first mobile app designed to facilitate the management of eating disorders in real time. Patients and doctors connect through a secure app to co-manage care, monitor goals, track progression, and even communicate.

This comprehensive platform, out today and available for iPhone and iPad, is not intended to take the place of in-person therapy sessions, but doctors hope the new technology will appeal to their core patients, the gadget-centric group aged 12-25.

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychology, 10 in 100 young women will be diagnosed with an eating disorder this year. Many more will go undiagnosed because of the perceived stigma attached to sufferers and because some are simply too scared to ask for help. Those who battle anorexia nervosa or bulimia have the highest mortality rate of any mental health condition, yet only one in 10 sufferers receive treatment.

These are the shocking statistics that led researchers to create a better way to help patients feel more in control of their recovery, and also to convince those who have been suffering in silence to seek help.

Designed to be sleek, user-friendly and offer real-time communication, the Recovery Record platform offers:

  • Secure login for discreet and private usage
  • Users can self-manage their recovery with behavioral monitoring from the clinician team
  • Meal logs and Meal plans
  • Clinical goals
  • A secure message center
  • Data and charts to track goals
  • Meaningful collaboration with the patient’s treatment team

Not to mention, they removed one of the biggest barriers to treatmeant – cost. The app is a free download.

Jenna Tregarthen, clinical psychological PhD candidate and founder of Recovery Record, created this video describing the app and showing its intended daily use.

Today is the official launch day for the app, making it available to physicians, clinicians and dietitians who specialize in eating disorders. According to Recovery Record, early testing has been successful, reporting “70,000 members who have completed over 4,000,000 therapy homework sessions using the beta version of the app. Over 30% of these users have told no one in the world they have an eating disorder, highlighting the potential of this technology for disorder outreach and prevention.”

“The reaction from the eating disorder community has been overwhelmingly positive,” said Jenna Tregarthen, Recovery Record CEO. “Contrary to the notion that professionals in this industry are not open to change, they are eager to be early adopters to give their patients the best chance of recovery.”

This app is brilliant and a long overdue solution to a devastatingly urgent need. Download here.

Also Read:

500,000 Teens Qualify for Having an Eating Disorder

Mobile Apps Help College Students Reduce Obesity

How To Recognize Signs of an Eating Disorder

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