Guest Blog: Goal Setting Success and How You Can Achieve it Too

Craig is a 21-year-old student currently studying psychology at Bournemouth University. He runs a self-improvement site filled with free summaries and articles created from his own self improvement path. He has worked extensively in areas such as dating, health and fitness, social interaction, psychology and computer skills to improve himself, as well as to spread the knowledge to others through his website, Most Useful.

you can do it

I feel goal setting is extremely important, more important than dieting/exercise in my personal opinion.

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we make it.”

Here I’ve strung together the goal tips, tricks and advice in an easy step-by-step guide.  Remember, this can be used for other things, not just fat loss, but to get that new car or house or anything you want.  Anything is achievable with the right goal plan, especially weight loss.

11 Steps to Create Powerful Goals:

1. Set specific goals – “I will lose 3 pounds by next Tuesday”

2. Set measurable goals – Learn how to measure what you lose, not only by your  weight. But, by other means such as a skin fold test.

3. Set big goals – If your goal isn’t scary or exciting it’s too low

4. Set a realistic deadline – “I will lose 1 stone (14 pounds) in 2 months”

5. Set long term and short term goals – For example – 2 years time and 3 months time

6. Establish emotional reasons why you want to achieve your goals – “Why is reaching my goal important?”

7. Make sure your goals aren’t conflicting; rank them in order of importance.  – A for Urgent and Important, B for just Important, C for things you’d like.

8. Write out an extensive goal list in forms of affirmations – 3 things affirmations need to be: 1. They must be personal “I will”, “I am”. 2. They must be written in present tense as if you have already completed the goal and you believe you already have. 3. The goals must be positive – “I will lose 2 stones (28 pounds) by my birthday and I will be very happy”

9. Read your affirmation goal list at least twice a day.

10. Read your goals with faith – Act as if you’ve already completed them and see images of yourself with the goals achieved.

11. As you read your affirmations, mentally visualize them as already achieved, since the brain cannot tell if the event is real or visualized.

This brings us to the end of this short article on weight loss goals. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading and have picked up useful information on how you can make your goals become a reality. Good luck.

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One Response to Guest Blog: Goal Setting Success and How You Can Achieve it Too

DR says:

“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we make it.

Loved this line.

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