10 Weight Loss Tips Everyone Needs to Hear

Guest blogger Tony Posnanski is the author of The Anti-Jared. Tony struggled with weight loss his whole life until he realized he was not going to be fooled anymore. He has lost more than 200 pounds and maintained it for more than a year. Tony works out six days a week, eats better than before, and has a new outlook on things!

Hi! My name is Tony and I have lost a lot of weight. I have kept off close to 200 pounds for eighteen months! I am working out every day, and I changed the way I eat!

So, I am going to give you my top ten tips on weight loss. Ready…..

1.    B…….

Okay, what can I say that you have not heard before? Am I really that much smarter than anyone else? I wonder. Hmmmmm, we know about eating less, moving more. Am I going to be condescending? Ten tips?

Anyway, back to the ten tips on weight loss…..

1.    B……

Really? What works for me will not work for everyone. Why am I doing this? Every Woman’s World magazine has a top ten weight loss list. More protein, write it down, blah! I have heard it all for over 20 years.

Sorry about that. Here you go…..

1.    B……

I can not do this! I can not be like everyone else. Everyone loses weight and gives their weight loss tips. Once they do, they think they are better than everyone else. Well, I am not. I am proud to finally be like everyone else. I lost weight. I needed to. I could not do anything at 420 pounds. Now, I can live my life. Who am I to tell you what to do?

Uhhhh, my list……

1.    B…….

NO! I will not be like everyone else. I have a food problem that I am working on every day! Yet, I lost weight and I will keep it off. I love the gym! I love working out! I will struggle, but I will win. Every single day. Do you really need to hear “update your iPod” from me? Do I need to remind you to work out?


Weight loss tips……

1 through 10- Believe in yourself. Do not make excuses. Once you do, they will run your life.

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