The 1,000-Mile Journey of Life Really Does Start with the First Step

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Chinese philosopher Laozi

When I was eliminated from the Biggest Loser, I started working out at home with a friend of mine who was a firefighter, JoEllen. The first night I met her at the gym she gave me a necklace that had this simple, yet powerful truth written on it. I continued to wear it and think about it throughout my journey.

running stairs
This saying runs through my mind every time I start a new adventure and question my abilities. However, it makes me wonder, how is this truth that was first voiced in BC time so relevant today? I feel like they must have been referring to the actual journey instead of the philosophical journey of life. Then I think there is NO way they could be referring to the physical journey because then it would not be relevant today.

Yet each and every time I show up for a new adventure it does not actually start until I take a step, be it a 5k, triathlon, or learning a new way to do something. As tough as each activity may seem, particularly in the beginning, they all have an end. This journey of a thousand miles is comparable to a lifetime. Whether it is BC or present day you must take that first step not simply to survive, but to thrive.

This week on Live Big With Ali Vincent I’m climbing to the top of the Aon building, the second tallest building in Los Angeles. Trust me when I say I am grateful for each and every step. Only as I methodically repeated in my head this powerful truth do I muster the strength to make it to the top.

Tune in this week, Saturday at 5:30pm to see if my mom is up for the challenge and has the courage to take that first step, too!

Until next week-

Ali xo

Also Read:

5 Biggest Losers Complete the Ironman Triathlon

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