Special K Diet and Mamavation Helped Lindsay Chung Kick Start Her Weight Loss

At the start of the new year Lindsay Chung decided it was time to get serious about her weight loss. On January 2, Lindsay weighed 176.2 pounds and says she couldn’t stand the sight of the number. Se knew she had to do something to change it. However, Lindsay’s number one obstacle was her addiction to food. “My only real obstacle was that I’m addicted to food – plain and simple. I like to eat whether I’m full or not,” she told us. Lindsay is not alone, there are people who cannot get enough of food and this contributes to their weight gain.

One day Lindsey joined an online community called Mamavation, a website set out to challenge mothers to makeover their lifestyles. The site and program were founded by Leah Segedie of BookieBoo.com, who has also shared her True Weight Loss Story with us. Soon after joining Mamavation Lindsay started their 2 Week Challenge, which consists of six days of hardcore workouts and one day of rest. After the 2 Week Challenge, she found a love for exercise.

Lindsay tried the Special K Diet; but instead of eating just the cereal brand for two weeks straight she created a customized diet. “I did the Special K Challenge, but also went through the process of customizing it to my own preferences: lifestyle, activity level, goal, height/weight.” Customizing the Special K Challenge worked for her because she ended up losing ten pounds after the first two weeks of the diet. “I lost an astounding ten pounds. It went above and beyond my wildest hopes. The plan forced me to drink water, no soda and eat healthier. That was the try magic.”

So far she has lost 24 pounds and is continuing to lose weight with Shaklee‘s Cinch Inch Loss Plan, which she started on June 18 to get her off the weight loss plateau. Lindsay says the Special K Diet was worth it because “it was the kick-start I needed to really get moving. Seeing those results so quickly showed me that I can change the way I’m living and I will see results.”

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