How Much are You Willing to Risk to Lose Weight?

black jack cardsWhen playing blackjack are you more likely to bet on the cards you can see or the house hand which you cannot? It may feel like gambling to attempt a lifestyle change, diet, or fitness program. The “reward” is not guaranteed but you will have to ante up something whether it is mental energy, hours of sleep, a favorite television show, your favorite foods, or a preferred beverage.

I was not as consistent as I was instructed to be with my physical therapy routine after my last surgery, probably because it had been more than two years since the original injury. I no longer remembered what it was like to have a pain-free joint, thus I had difficulty visualizing the goal I was trying to achieve. I suppose a part of me did not believe it was possible. As an entrepreneur it was easy to dedicate my time to so many other tasks.

helen phillips biggest loser finaleWould you spend an hour in the gym every day if you KNEW that you would achieve and maintain the look you desire? Would you give up soda if you KNEW you would finally drop that last five pounds? Would I have made room in my schedule if I KNEW I would get back to my pre-injury, pre-surgery pain-free strength and flexibility?

Are you more willing to buy a lottery ticket than try something that can improve your health? The Biggest Loser proves to us that anyone can make major changes in their health and fitness. Those contestants had to risk their jobs, comfort zones, and even relationships to be on campus. They bet big and many have won big. How much are you willing to risk and how much are you willing to gain?

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