The 4 Most Common Workout Mistakes

fitnessWorking out is not rocket science, but people often make a few crucial mistakes while trying to find the right program. Nutrition, length and style of exercise, and goal selection are among the few common mistakes made in today’s fitness driven world.

  • Poor Nutrition. Nutrition is just as, if not more important than exercise itself. Finding the right diet for the level and type of exercise routine you are doing is crucial to helping you reach your goals.
  • Length of Exercise. Another big mistake is exercising for too long or too short a time. You should find a length of workout time that is suitable for your current level of fitness and goal. This will help you by not over-doing it or under-doing it.
  • Unrealistic Goals. Set short-term and long-term goals. Don’t make them too easy or too hard because you will more than likely give up due to lack of motivation. Set a goal that is right for you and go get it!
  • Poor Exercise Selection. Lastly, poor exercise selection is huge. Everybody has different goals and styles of exercising. You need to find the proper exercises that fit you, your body, and your goal. Contact a personal trainer, physical therapist, or your physician if you have questions.

Good luck!

One Response to The 4 Most Common Workout Mistakes

When I originally started my fitness journey, I made the mistake of thinking it was exercise that was responsible for my weight loss. It took me a year to figure out I lost weight because I stopped going for lunch “with the guys.”

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