Meditation Pushes You Past a Weight Loss Plateau

Weight loss is a biggie when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. I can safely bet that hundreds of thousands, if not more, set an intention at the start of this year to get fit and lose weight.

January, with its cold and snowy days, is a good month to spend in the gym, and many people will enthusiastically buy memberships, join classes, or hire personal trainers. If we can get through the chocolate and candy laden month of February, we’re in pretty good shape. By the time March hits, the warmer weather triggers thoughts of wearing shorts and sleeveless tops, and that keeps us motivated to stay on track.

However, when April rolls around we have either realized our weight loss goal, or we’ve hit a major plateau and just can’t seem to get past it. If you’re experiencing a lull in your weight loss efforts, now is a good time relax, regroup, and restore your choices and actions so you can get past the weigh loss slump and shed those last few pounds.

Rather than add another workout to your already full schedule, or cut back on the calories from your near starvation diet, try meditation to step up your weight loss progress. However counter-intuitive it may sound, using meditation to get over a weight loss hump can be very effective.

When you meditate, your stress response decreases. A relaxed mind and body is absolutely necessary to combat weight gain, because stress and tension increase the levels of cortisol, and cortisol promotes weight gain. Worrying about not being able to lose those last few pounds is what is keeping you from losing them.

Another benefit is that during meditation you begin to rewire or change habitual thought patterns. Many of these thoughts are subconscious, meaning you are relatively unaware that you are even thinking them. Since your thoughts spark your actions, if you think you can’t lose any more weight, guess what? You won’t.

So take a few moments to sit comfortably and breathe deeply. Let your thoughts quiet and your body relax. Enjoy a few moments of stillness, and most importantly, don’t feel guilty or defeated. Instead, relax and regroup. To find success, you must be calm and believe you are strong, fit, and completely capable of attaining your weight loss goal.

Also Read:

Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Yoga for Weight Loss

Use Mantras for Motivation

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