Learn the Secrets to Ayurvedic Medicine on Dr. Oz

Tomorrow Dr. Oz will be discussing Ayurvedic medicine, or the concept that each individual body type should be treated with different medicines. Specifically, the doctor will be interviewing other doctors as they explain what they call “Secrets of Ayurvedic Medicine.”

Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. It originated in India. In the United States, Ayurvedic medicine is considered a whole medical system. That means it’s a complete system of theory and practice that has evolved over time in different cultures and separate from conventional medicine. Other whole medical systems include traditional Chinese medicine, homeopathy, and naturopathy. Many therapies used in Ayurvedic medicine include herbs, massage, and specialized diets.

Dr. Oz will be investigating the specific theory behind body types and Ayurvedic medicine. Dr. Oz will also discuss the many healing technique from around the globe. The guest will include Kulreet Chaudhary, MD, Phil Veneziano, Daniel Hsu, and Dr. Janet Tsai.

Dr. Chaudhary will be teaching the audience about the unique cures to lose weight, reduce stress, and prevent diseases specific to their body type, of course. He will explain to audience members how particular super foods and super supplements could cause fat to melt away.
The other three guest are best know for their work as acupuncturists. Along with Dr. Oz, they will discuss ancient forms of healing from around the world. Along with acupuncture, herbal medicine and other various healing secrets will be examined.

There’s very little support of alternative medicine in our modern western world. Tomorrow’s show may shed some light on methods that have been trusted much longer than conventional medicine has even been around.

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