Sometimes You Just Need to Run Away

Most of us have a daily routine that includes various responsibilities. Perhaps your weekend feels like free time, but many use that extra time to catch up on errands, housework, and rest. busy momSometimes it can feel like you are stuck in an endless cycle of the day-in-day-out, repeating this week what you did last week.

What percentage of your day includes things you need to do versus things that you want to do? Responsibility is a positive thing, a stressor that encourages growth in many cases; however, we need to recover from responsibility and take time to relax every day. This renews us to act positively again the next day without burning out. Recovery can come from relaxation techniques, rest, or doing something enjoyable. Unfortunately, too many people forget to schedule personal renewal time and even social events start to feel like an obligation. When it starts to feel like daily life, responsibilities, and stressors are piling on top of you, do you feel the need to escape?

female runnerI have found that physical activity is the best form of daily renewal. When I am able to grab my iPod and run away from everything a few times each week, the world looks a little brighter, I’m happier, and more productive. There is a liberation in running that allows me to escape into my own world for a while, avoiding the distractions of the phone calls, emails, and laundry. As my body is activated, my mind is released to relax and renew. I arrive home physically taxed and feeling fabulous. Mentally, I am back on track and ready to tackle tasks and to-dos yet again. Recently, the frigid weather has prevented me from running outside, and I have found myself looking for ways to escape to a warmer climate, away from my every day life. Perhaps, it’s time to join a gym and run away a little every day… or I’m leaving on a jet plane!

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