Miss America Teresa Scanlan Promotes a Healthy Lifestyle and Body Image for Young Women

Teresa Scanlan is the newest Miss America. She is also the youngest woman, at 17 years of age, to win this title since 1938 when an age limit was implemented for the pageant. Joy Behar, one of the judges of the pageant, commented on Scanlan’s “cute” bikini body that was a completely “cellulite-free zone.”

So, what are the diet secrets this beautiful young woman uses to stay in such great shape? Surprisingly, she does not use any “beauty tricks,” but instead relies on moderation, an active lifestyle, and her age to stay in shape.

A younger person will have a more active metabolism than an older person because a person’s metabolism slows down with age. This decline usually starts between ages 25 and 30 for women. Constantly putting your body through fad diets and extreme dieting can also slow your natural metabolism.

Scanlan does lead an active lifestyle and does not believe in using fad diets to control her weight. Although she does eat everything in moderation, she proudly proclaimed, “I never passed up a cookie on my journey [to the Miss America pageant].” Obviously, she knows how to maintain a healthy body image while still enjoying some of the sweeter things in life.

Scanlan likes to dance and plays sports with her church group on a regular basis. During her reign as Miss America, she hopes to spread awareness about eating disorders and will hopefully help young women realize their own self-worth goes further than only skin-deep.

Via The Examiner

by Kelsey Murray

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