Delegation Can Support Weight Loss

family cookingIf you have any shame about your weight or fear of not completing your weight loss goals, you may be tempted to not share your journey with those around you. Too often, we try to do everything on our own and not accept the help of those that love us. Maybe it is not because you are embarrassed or afraid to disappoint, perhaps you just do not want to bother someone with your problems. Just like I have to remind myself that I am not Wonder Woman, it is OK to accept and even ask for help.

Recently, I chastised my mother and aunts for taking on too much and trying to prepare the entire Christmas meal by themselves. With a family of 50, that is quite an undertaking, but also unnecessary. I suggested that they each delegate to their children (and grandchildren); however, because they are used to caring for all of us, they were not entirely comfortable asking for help.

So with the help of Facebook and text messaging, I was able to delegate and organize an extensive menu in three days with the participation of four generations. (Have I mentioned how fabulous my family is?) I even turned to Twitter for recipe ideas since I was left with ‘cranberries.’ Of course, I’m not writing about the wonders of social media…

Undertaking any life change is hard work. If emotional issues are involved with your weight gain, it can be even more painful. It is OK to ask for support and assistance. It is very likely that your friends and family want you to be healthy as much as you do. They can support you emotionally by sharing your experience with them if you can. Sometimes people who want to be supportive can say the wrong things because they do not know what to say. If this a hindrance for you, there may be other ways that you can allow those who want to support you to help you through this process.

Can you let someone cut up veggies for you? Can your children help you measure out snack portions into small containers? Can you ask a friend to hold you accountable for your workouts? Will a family member help fund your gym membership? Maybe you need to delegate some of your other tasks and responsibilities so you can focus on weight loss? Can you hire a housekeeper during this time period? The cost is minimal compared to returns you will receive for investing in your health.

How can you delegate?

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