Cinch! Diet Requires Chocolate

Cinch Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds and Lose InchesDietician Cynthia Sass is the author behind several diet books, including Prevention’s Flat Belly Diet. Her latest book, Cinch! Conquer Cravings, Drop Pounds and Lose Inches, outlines a diet plan for people who are tired of counting calories and even requires a little chocolate.

The Cinch! diet ditches calorie counting in favor of guidelines for healthy eating. The plan recommends that you eat four meals per day, and every meal is constructed as a puzzle that contains the same five pieces. The pieces are:

1. Produce (Fruit at breakfast and snack meals, vegetables at lunch and dinner)
2. Fiber
3. Lean protein (Includes vegetarian, vegan and omnivore choices)
4. Plant-based fat
5. Slimming and satiating seasonings (vinegar, citrus juice, cinnamon, ginger, ect.)

Once you know the five pieces and the amounts of each to eat, dieting becomes much simpler. You can even work your way around a restaurant menu and still stay on the diet. For many, however, the best part of this diet is that Cynthia recommends eating dark chocolate every single day. She says that four small squares per day can curb cravings for sweets and even improve your mood.

Also Read:

Cinch Author Cyntha Sass: Diet Lessons from Your Cat

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