Tag Archives: gardening

Tune In: Michelle Obama on Sesame Street

Tune-in tomorrow, Tuesday, November 10, to Sesame Street to catch first lady Michelle Obama participating in the show’s 40th anniversary season premiere. first lady sesame street

Michelle Obama will be featured in a segment with four young children and introduce the idea of vegetable gardening. She’ll show them, and Big Bird, how planting seeds in the ground will yield fresh, healthy vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce.

Last week Michelle Obama announced childhood obesity as one of the issues she would focus on, and Sesame Street is a fitting place to share that message, encouraging young children to eat a balanced diet that includes many vegetables. (more…)

You Can Improve School Lunches During National School Lunch Week

school lunchKids are just getting back into the school groove and you may have noticed that you have started to slack on your intentions to send your child off to school with a healthy and nutritious lunch every day. Maybe the chips were on sale or it was faster to hand your kids lunch money instead of a sack lunch.

So before your well-intentioned efforts of healthy school lunches resemble more and more like your New Year’s resolutions in mid-February, the School Nutrition Association has declared the week of October 12-16 as National School Lunch Week. The organization is dedicated to supporting schools in creating healthy, nutritious and affordable school lunches. (more…)

A Mom’s Guide to Growing Your Family Green

moms guide to growing your family greenGoing green is no longer just about recycling your newspapers and swapping out plastic water bottles for reusable aluminum ones. Today, being green extends to all facets of our lives, including how we raise our children.

Last week, I had the pleasure of speaking with author and wellness expert Terra Wellington. Terra has just written the book “The Mom’s Guide to Growing Your Family Green,” and it is chock-full of practical and engaging information and tips on how to keep your family healthy and happy while also being environmentally-conscious. (more…)

Container Gardening Ideal for City Living

tomato plant gardeningI’ve always dreamt of owning a house one day and having a backyard full of vegetables that I could pick from to make dinner each night. I’ve since ended up settling down in Brooklyn with no yard to speak of and felt the dream fade away, or so I thought.

Container gardening has become a growing trend and a great way to grow fresh produce at home that hasn’t traveled over 1,500 miles or been sprayed with all types of pesticides and herbicides. I started small with some herbs, tomato plants and jalapenos. Not feeling quite confident, as I don’t have the greenest thumb, I thought it was a great start I could build off of each year once my first crops were produced.   (more…)

Create Lasting Healthy Habits for Kids This Summer

Valerie is a guest blogger for the DietsInReview.com special series on Healthy Summer Kids. Valerie is an outdoor loving, flip flop wearing, fit mama with three young children. She is an ACE certified personal trainer and owns her own Stroller Strides franchise in Houston, TX. She feels every day is a chance to have fun and be inspired. You can find great fitness tips, ideas for healthy living, and plenty of mindless mommy banter at her blog Moms Living Fit.

Summertime can be summed up into one word, “fun.” Kids look forward to this time of year every year and welcome the outdoor activities, picnics, and gatherings. Why not take advantage of this summertime enthusiasm and integrate a few good habits to promote health and fitness in your children’s lives?

Get Moving

There is a lot competing for your child’s attention these days, especially on TV. Reduce the “screen time” for your kids and increase their physical activity with daily outdoor playtime. Invite some friends over, get out the soccer balls, and let them run a few laps in the backyard. (more…)