Food Blogger Spotlight: Karla from Foodologie

KarlaDeLeon ResizeKarla De Leon’s bio is one of the sweetest things I’ve read. Hi, I’m Karla. I’m a pretty normal lady. . . I like to bake for fun and take pictures of things I make… Want a pie? I’ll probably make you one, just ask. She even bakes teeny pies in jars, you guys! They’re adorable.

On her blog, Foodologie, Karla not only conceives and shares great recipes, she writes about her friends, family and real-life experiences, like that time she went to Peru got really sunburned and tried eating guinea pig. Her blog is so popular because she makes you feel like you’re part of her world.

For the record, I want to be part of her tiny- pie-eating world, not the guinea-pig-nibbling part.

More with Karla about Foodologie – 

Why did you start your food blog? I started blogging when I was in grad school as a way to have a hobby outside my studies. Cooking, writing and photography kept me sane after hours of reading and writing about urban development.

How would you describe your approach to eating/health? It’s all about balance. I’ve tried so many diets, but ultimately I found that having everything in moderation really works best for me. I’m happier and healthier when I don’t feel deprived.

Have you always had an interest in healthy food or did it come later in life? My interest in healthy food started when I was in high school. I lost 50 pounds and after I lost the weight, maintenance was always in the back of my mind. Because of that, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to have foods that I enjoy while still staying healthy.

What is your favorite ingredient to use in the kitchen? This is probably the hardest question you could ask, because I love everything. Recently, I’ve become obsessed with protein powder. I don’t like eating a lot of meat, but protein keeps me full. I’ve been using it a ton in smoothies, pancakes, even baked goods like cupcakes to lighten them up. Aside from protein powder, I’m obsessed with eggs. An egg (poached, fried, hard boiled, soft boiled) goes perfect with pretty much anything.

Has blogging changed the way you view food and cooking? Blogging has opened my eyes to a whole new world of foods that I didn’t know about. Growing up, my family didn’t eat a whole lot of vegetables, now I don’t go a day without eating Kale. I especially love eating seasonally. Blogging has taught me that there are so many possibilities in the kitchen and I’m constantly excited to explore more.

Favorite recipe to date? My favorite recipe comes from my mom for Caldo de Pollo (Guatemalan style chicken stew). I could eat it every day! It’s easy, healthy and reminds me of home.

caldo pollo 2

What 3 recipes would you like to share with our readers?
1. Buffalo Chicken Spaghetti Squash
2. Vanilla Coconut Protein Pancakes
3. Mushrooms in Red Wine over Polenta

Karla is featured in our series of spotlights on healthy food bloggers. Be sure to check back next Sunday to meet another healthy blogger in our midst.

Also Read:

Laura Theodore from The Jazzy Vegetarian

Liesl from Lieslicious

Pamela from My Man’s Belly


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