lsherman’s Diet Profile

Joined on January 15th, 2011

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About Me:

i am a stay at home mom of 2. a 7 year old girl and 2 year old boy.

The goals I'm working toward:

  • i would love to be 150lbs from 209lbs.
  • would love to learn to eat in moderation and maintin the weight loss

I haven't felt comfortable with my weight since:

becoming a mom

My favorite healthy food:


My guiltiest pleasure:


I'm inspired to live a healthy life because:

i want to get fit for my family and to look better in my clothes and feel comfortable in my own skin

Healthy habits that work for me:

  • i only drink water

My favorite activity at the gym is:

don't have time to go to a gym. i am trying to get a treadmill and do some cardio during the day

The accomplishments I'm most proud of:

  • my children and my husband of 13 years