lisakepner’s Diet Profile

Joined on March 28th, 2009

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About Me:

I am just entering my 40's . Yes, it was a wake-up call ;-) I have two boys ages 8 and 10. We home school and have made the transition well. I want to be a good example for them. I have been married for 17 years to the love of my life.

The goals I'm working toward:

  • Losing 85 pounds

I haven't felt comfortable with my weight since:


My favorite healthy food:

whole grain pasta

My guiltiest pleasure:

fast food

I'm inspired to live a healthy life because:

I want to watch my kids grow up and be active with them. I want to grow old with my husband and enjoy our time together when the kids are grown. I want my kids to be healthy.

Healthy habits that work for me:

  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Carry healthy snacks with me.

The accomplishments I'm most proud of:

  • Home schooling my children.