dmk319’s Diet Profile

Joined on May 9th, 2009

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About Me:

Well hmm about me im a native american and a mother of one beautiful daughter and eagrly trying to loose weight..

The goals I'm working toward:

  • I would love to loose 60 pounds that my goal

I haven't felt comfortable with my weight since:


My favorite healthy food:

Grilled chicken and soups

My guiltiest pleasure:

Pizza, french fries and pop

I'm inspired to live a healthy life because:

I want to watch my daughter grow up heatly and to start good eating habits soI need to start myself and I dont want her looking at me be unhealhy.

Healthy habits that work for me:

  • stop drinking soda and making packing own lunch.

My favorite activity at the gym is:

cardio when i did go i will start again.