brighteyesrn’s Diet Profile

Joined on August 15th, 2010

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About Me:

49 years old and on a quest to improve my overall health

The goals I'm working toward:

  • maintain WW philosophy f lifethe rest of my
  • acheive BMI of 24
  • to be able to run

I haven't felt comfortable with my weight since:

my last child was born 21 years ago

My favorite healthy food:

vegetables, fruits, whole grain products: hummus, cucumbers, watermelon, eggs, thin buns

My guiltiest pleasure:

vita tops, backed tostitos

I'm inspired to live a healthy life because:

I am turning 50 and it want to be in the best shape so I can enjoy the remainder of my life.

Healthy habits that work for me:

  • weight watchers
  • Leslie Sansone walk fit video
  • not having many snack foods at work

My favorite activity at the gym is:

i don't attend a gym

The accomplishments I'm most proud of:

  • my masters degree
  • divorced, single and owning my own home
  • sticking with WW