alyssaarchuleta’s Diet Profile

Joined on January 8th, 2011

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About Me:

I've been overweight my entire life and don't want to be anymore. I'll be getting married in 6 months and I will be turning 20 in less than a month. As I enter my 20's and married life, I do not want to be overweight. I want to have an active and healthy life style.

The goals I'm working toward:

  • Maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle
  • I want to loose between 20 - 40 lbs by the end of Feb. 2011
  • I want to be able be fit and not be huffing anf puffing everytime I walk up a flight of stairs.

I haven't felt comfortable with my weight since:

I used to weigh between 170 and 180 and at 5 ft 2in tall, I know that is still overweight but I felt good. I liked the way I looked and now being 220, I would not mind weighing that much right now.

My favorite healthy food:

I love love love fruits!!! Oranges and gala apples are my favorite! I love love love love etc.. chicken salad with just a little bit of blue cheese dressing!! MMMMM!!!

My guiltiest pleasure:

I love buffalo wings and Mexican and Chinese Food!! oh and Pepsi, Dr. Pepper and Fruit Punch. Which is probably why I was never at a healthy weight to begin with.

I'm inspired to live a healthy life because:

*I am getting married in 6 months and want to look beautiful in every wedding I try on when I go shopping for dresses!
* I've never led a healthy lifestyle and now that I turn 20 I am going to start.
*I want to set an example for my family because I am not the only one in my family who wants to loose weight.
* Diabetes runs in my family very bad and I DO NOT want to be the next one diagnosed with it!!!
* My Dr. told me in order for me to be successful at having kids I needed to loose weight.

Healthy habits that work for me:

  • I love fruits so I always snack on fruits instead of chips or candy
  • Instead of drinking soda I use the 5 calorie tea from wal-mart that you pour in your water bottle.
  • I use my WII to exercise because it is fun and I see results.

My favorite activity at the gym is:

*I love anything that has to do with boxing!!
*Moderate Yoga
*Elliptical and exercise bikes are the best!

The accomplishments I'm most proud of:

  • My job
  • Taking the steps I need to for a healthier me