Diets in Review Question

Is it safe to use Zanthrex 3 if I had a heart condition?

ryan asked this question Oct 6th, 2011 12:53 am

Is it safe to use zanthrex 3 especially I had a heart condition? And which is way better the blue or red one? I had double bypass surgery and i went to my cardiologist for my checkup. the advice she gave me is to lose some weight. my question is: Is it safe to use zanthrex 3 especially I had a heart condition? And which is way better the blue or red one? Thank you

This question is about Zantrex-3

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if you have a heart condition, DON'T TAKE ANY DIET PILLS! not unless you want to kill yourself or end up in the ER.

posted on Oct 16th, 2011 4:00 am


It is NOT a good idea to take the red bottle..or the blue bottle! the red bottle is way stronger! BUT if you have heart condition DO NOT TAKE IT!! im on zantrex and i have a rapid heartbeat in the middle of the night sometimes ,which is not good , but its only my 2nd day day....

posted on Oct 24th, 2011 11:38 am