Diets in Review Question

is insanity really not for beginners?

evelyn asked this question Aug 30th, 2011 12:17 am

I just got insanity. But after doing research I think I got the wrong program. Is insanity really not for beginners? I was about to get p90x but the sales man recommended insanity to loose weight. He said that p90x is more for ppl that r fit n more to gain muscle instead of loosing weight.

This question is about Insanity Workout

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Answers to this Question

Daniel Smith

Insanity is based off of your own fitness level. Beginners usually won't have the determination to stick with it, but the cool thing about it is you can rest whenever you want and you go at your own pace. The sales person was right. P90X is also a workout that requires weights and Insanity is all cardio. Don't feel discouraged when you can't keep up with the test people in the video. It took me 7 weeks of doing it before I could keep up and I started out 5'9" 150 pounds. You can do it if you set your mind to it!

posted on Apr 30th, 2013 3:38 pm