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Major Organic Brands Still Funding Anti-GMO Labeling Efforts in Front of Washington's I-522 Vote

Published Mon October 28, 2013

They're at it again, and this time just a little more sneakily than before. Not only are some of the biggest brands in organic and earth-friendly food still supporting anti-labeling campaigns, but now they're trying to do it in secret. A new infographic produced by Cornucopia.org s...

The Government Shutdown Will Affect Your Health Care. Here's How. The Government Shutdown Will Affect Your Health Care. Here's How.
Conservatives Found Another Thing to Hate - Bike Shares Conservatives Found Another Thing to Hate - Bike Shares
The Devil Wears Prana: E.W. Jackson Believes Yoga is Satanic The Devil Wears Prana: E.W. Jackson Believes Yoga is Satanic
Obesity Makes Career Success Difficult, Particularly for Women Obesity Makes Career Success Difficult, Particularly for Women

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