Tag Archives: suzy sirloin

Suzy Sirloin Ships Quality, Natural Meats to Your Doorstep

One of the main reasons I try and eat mostly vegetarian is that I find it difficult to find natural meats free of hormones and antibiotics at my local grocery stores. In fact, upon visiting the meat counter at a nearby market, I asked where their grass-fed meat selection was. I was given a baffled look in return and the answer, “We don’t have any of that.” Naturally, my solution was to stick to grains, beans and dairy for protein instead.

It’s not that I don’t like meat, because I certainly do. If quality, naturally-raised meat was more readily available in my city, I might consider eating it more often.

Lucky for me, Suzy Sirloin – a producer of natural meats in New York – recently reached out to Diets In Review and offered to send a sample of their hormone- and antibiotic-free beef. We of course jumped at the chance and just a few days after my shipment arrived, I got right to sampling my Suzy Sirloin meats. (more…)