Tag Archives: stairs

30-Minute Outdoor Fitness Circuit That Lets You Skip the Gym

Take it from AcaciaTV motivation coach Alison Heilig, you don’t have to join a gym to get in shape and lose weight. Heck, you don’t really even need any equipment.

“Every time, we change it up and make a game of it to keep it exciting,” Heilig said of her weekly workouts with her neighborhood running club.

Want to join in on the fun? Lace up your shoes and try this outdoor fitness circuit. After a 5-minute warm up, alternate between 2 to 5 minutes of walking or running and these four fitness moves. Do a 5-minute cool down at the end. Start with one circuit and build up to three!

stair running acacia


Find a set of stairs with at least 20 steps and sprint up to the top. Jog down and repeat for a total of 3 sets. If you can’t find a staircase long enough, just do more reps on a shorter set or use a curb, bench, or box to do step-ups for 1-2 minutes. Challenge yourself by taking the steps two at a time. (more…)

7 Fool Proof, No Excuse Ways to Move More Every Single Day

move more

Thousands of years ago, humans were always on the go: gathering berries, hunting prey, running from predators. Our metabolisms are still essentially the same as these humans and yet we are lucky if we can get in more than just the walk from our car to our desk and back again. With the rise of desk jobs comes the rise of ultra-sedentary lifestyles, even increased diabetes risk for women who sit too long.

This is not your fault! Plus…You are busy! You work hard! You get home at the end of the day exhausted, and your only remaining energy gets allocated to helping your kids, then maybe watching a quick TV show before your own well-deserved bedtime. And while this movement is no longer built into our survival like our early ancestors, we still need activity for our body to thrive.

Here are 7 Fool-Proof Ways to Move More in Your Day.

Not only does your body deserves this, it needs it. (more…)

4 Easy 10 Minute Workouts You Can Fit into Any Schedule

By Jennifer Gregory

When you think of exercise, you probably think of spending hours at the gym or running miles through your neighborhood. Since many people are not able to devote large blocks of time to a fitness program, they often just head to the couch.

But even spending 10 minutes exercising can make an impact on your waistline, your energy level and your health.

Next time you don’t have time to make it to your favorite Pilates class, try one of these 10 minutes workouts.


The Real Value of Incidental Exercise

By Jennifer Gregory

We have all heard the advice to take the stairs and park at the end of the parking lot to add exercise into our day and help burn extra calories. But do these activities, often referred to as incidental exercise, really help people lose weight and increase overall fitness?

Todd Cambio, certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist with the National Strength and Conditioning Association, says that the answer is absolutely yes. “All of these activities get you moving. The more you move, the more muscles that you gain and the more chance you have of burning fat,” says Cambio.

However, it is important not to rely on incidental exercise as your only form of physical activity and participate in a regular fitness routine.  “In addition to moving whenever possible, you need to also have a structured exercise program, such as playing a sport for fun or training with a professional,” says Cambio.


The Ultimate Guide to Great Glutes

A great butt can stop traffic and even score you a few free drinks at the bar, but a person’s butt is also the window to their fitness. Chances are, if your glutes are in great shape, so is the rest of you. In addition to having a well rounded fitness routine, a tight and firm butt is also a great indicator that someone has a healthy and clean diet.

Most people think that the shape of their butt is the shape of their butt and there is nothing they can do about it. Some people are born without that crease under their tush, some are destined to always have it, some have cellulite, and some are smooth as a baby, right? Wrong.

Men tend to gain weight around their middles, and women tend to gain weight around their butt and hips. It’s just science. No one, however, is born with a high tight, bullet bouncing tush- it takes work. Therefore, you should work your glutes like they are a badge of honor.

Whether you want to get rid of your cellulite, wear boy short undies with confidence or add a little shape to your flat-as-a-pancake tush, we’ve got your plan to whip your butt into shape.


Take Your Gym Routine Outside This Summer

Now that the weather is warming up and summer is on the way, you may be itching to ditch the gym for a little time out in the sunshine. Who could blame you? Not I! But instead of foregoing your gym routine all together, why not take your usual strength moves and cardio activities into the great outdoors? Read on for five exercises to do just that!

5 Exercises That Easily Go From the Gym to the Great Outdoors

1. If you normally hit the treadmill…try trail running or hiking! The change of terrain when trail running or hiking will work your legs in new ways and you’ll have much more beautiful scenery than the sweaty guys lifting weights!


Experts Promote Stairs for Fitness

woman climbing stairsExperts are looking at an “old-fashion” way of increasing your fitness: using the stairs.

Dr. Ishak A. Mansi of Louisiana State University is the lead author of a study that is encouraging building designers to reconsider how they place stairs in their work. They say that as it is, there are several factors that discourage people from using them. They are often tucked away and hard to find. And on a subtler note, stairs are often thought to be only used for fire escapes. (more…)

Wordless Wednesday: Take the Stairs


Take advantage of random opportunities for exercise.