Tag Archives: stability

Finding The Right Sized Stability Ball for You

Are you thinking about purchasing a new stability ball or having trouble finding the right size?

Stability balls come in all sizes and you need to find one that meets your exercise goals. Most stability balls provide you with a list of height and weight recommendations for each size so make sure to check the box or package for that, but if you can’t find the information laid out for you, here’s how to find the right size on your own. (more…)

Top Exercises to Increase Balance and Stability

Balance and stability are very important while playing sports and sometimes get over-looked as we get older. I have put together a list of exercises that focus on core stability and total body balance. These exercises are a little advanced, so be careful and take your time. I recommend doing these with a partner just to be on the safe side. Try and do three sets of fifteen to twenty repetitions. Good luck!!

Balance And Stability Exercises

See more of Matt’s workouts using the Bosu Ball: Bosu Ball Flat Side Up and Bosu Ball Flat Side Down.