Tag Archives: spices

Fall for Squash: Five Ways to Prepare Butternut Squash

In October, there are plenty of ways to prepare seasonal vegetables. Often we see broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower starring in vegetable-based side dishes. Butternut squash, a bell-shaped type of winter squash that hails from the gourd family, is a healthy, comforting, delicious way to celebrate the harvest season.

Butternut squash is easily found in supermarkets year-round, but peaks from summer to early fall. Equally enjoyable in savory and sweet dishes, butternut squash is versatile: you can peel, steam, boil or roast it to include in a variety of dishes. (more…)

4 Flavors to Spice up Your July 4th Cookout

While most barbecue fare gets a bum rap for being loaded with fat, excess sodium and calories, this Fourth of July, why not grill up your favorite outdoor eats with calorie-free but super flavorful spices?

Recent research has shown that spices like turmeric, cumin, cayenne pepper and countless others contain specific compounds that may help to stave off diseases. Here’s your guide to the best grilling spices to give your July 4th feast more nutritious flare!

turmeric powderTurmeric: Numerous studies have linked turmeric to reducing inflammation, lowering cholesterol, and preventing and treating cancer cell growth. Curcumin, the substance in turmeric that gives it its trademark yellow color, is the magic compound behind most of these health benefits. To get the benefits of turmeric, add a few dashes to your Fourth of July potato or egg salad. (more…)