Tag Archives: social media

KFC and Moms Blasted for Using Bloggers’ Children to Sell New Kids Meals

It’s a very common practice amongst mom bloggers to accept products from companies to review or promote to their audiences. The bloggers get everything from candy bars to mattresses and vacations for free and the brands benefit because, for what is usually no more cost than samples of their product, they get a lot of highly influential publicity.

This weekend, some of those mom bloggers came under quite a bit of fire from their peers. Several moms were invited by Kentucky Fried Chicken to visit the restaurant’s headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky to learn about their new “healthy” kids meals and in turn promote them to their followers using #KFCKidsMeals on Twitter. That’s pretty standard, but where eyebrows raised on this publicity event was that the company invited the moms with their kids.

The health of our children is a hot button issue right now, and the #KFCKidsMeals hashtag was practically high jacked by moms condemning both KFC and the participating moms for subjecting their children to what is no better than chemically laden, nutritionally void food.

Leah Segedie, known best as @BookieBoo and the leader of Mamavation, was one of the moms on the outside of #KFCKidsMeals tweeting in. Any time you intersect kids and nutrition you’ll find Leah, and this campaign was no different.

“I basically took control of it to make sure it was done in a fair way without attacking the bloggers involved,” she told us. “But I can’t control what people write on their blogs, obviously.”

Leah spent this weekend tweeting out questions to the moms involved. She wanted to know about MSG, sodium, carcinogens, and other chemical ingredients in the food. Who better to ask than the people sitting right inside KFC HQ? As far as we could tell, no one got back to her with those answers; although, one tweet implied that the company would get in touch with her. (more…)

FoodMood Tracks Twitter to Identify a Food-Emotion Connection

If you’re on Twitter you see food tweets all day long.

“Best. Burger. Ever.”

“I’m so ashamed, I can’t believe I just ate a whole pizza.”

“These cupcakes are making my Monday!”

We love or hate our food and we like to talk about it. Due to these truths a new group has decided to use tweets to create a powerful infographic about our food consumption and its impact on our emotions.

FoodMood is a project that has created a graphic based off of food tweets. In a nutshell, they used Twitter to establish what people are eating and how they feel about it. FoodMood then overlaps the data with the current Gross Domestic Product information and the current obesity data to create a very user-friendly and helpful guide. Users can see the trends with a simple glance. This info allows for a deeper understanding of our eating habits. (more…)

Daily Challenges Create a Better You with MeYouHealth

We often talk of getting healthier or “bettering ourselves,” but what does that really mean? Some focus on their weight, others may focus more on their diet, or to some “bettering” may refer to kicking bad habits. Regardless of the issues one may want to improve, all can agree that actually taking the steps towards a goal is the hardest part. MeYouHealth may have created one of the most relevant and feasible ways to create a better you.

MeYouHealth labels themselves as the “social well-being company.” Their mission is to help people acquire and maintain a more healthful lifestyle one day at a time. The company has a Daily Challenge feature for their members. A member will receive an email with just one thing to do that day to improve their well-being. The concept is based off of behavior science that has shown how people often fail to achieve their goals because they are typically set too high.

Daily Challenge is different. A suggestion is sent at 7 am so the member has all day to complete the task. It’s typically just one small action related to healthy living. The member logs the task on the site and they are awarded as they go. Additionally the member is encouraged by the social network comprised of other members.


Calorie Camp offers Calorie Count Dieters More Accountability

This week Calorie Count unveiled Calorie Camp, a new healthy-living social networking site that allows users to connect with other members, share status updates, daily progress reports, and receive community support and feedback.

“Technology is playing an increasing role in weight loss and daily heath and wellness maintenance,” said Rachel Berman, RD, CSR, CD/N, Director of Nutrition for CalorieCount.com.

People use the internet for business, communication, e-commerce, education, entertainment and more recently, for weight loss and healthy lifestyle maintenance. With the number of diet and weight loss-related mobile applications increasing, people continue to look to technology to aid in their healthy living efforts.

“On CalorieCount.com, members utilize a variety of free tools,” said Berman. “Users can look up nutrient information of foods, keep track of what they’ve eaten throughout the day and log activity completed and calories burned.”


Yufit’s Gym in the Cloud Brings Your Favorite Fitness Class to You

Sometimes going to the gym seems to be too much of a hassle. You have to get dressed, drive to the gym, sign in, put away your things, and then, depending on how busy the gym is, you might have to wait for your favorite class to start.

In the end, you might leave the gym completely frustrated because you did not get in as good of a workout as you had hoped. Unfortunately, the video workouts that you can buy at a store get boring after you do them too many times and they can also get too expensive if you want to keep your collection fresh. However, you can now take as many gym classes as you want, from home, or anywhere really, with Yufit’s new Gym in the Cloud.

Gym in the Cloud allows users to access workout videos that are streaming in high definition from anywhere in the world. These videos allow users to follow along with gym-quality fitness classes from the comfort of their own homes. The videos are updated weekly, which means you are much less likely to get bored from doing the same workout video week after week. As one of the trainers, Ken Scott, says, “if it’s not fun, it’s not worth doing,” and this program definitely offers variety and fun.

So what type of classes can you expect to find in Yufit’s Gym in the Cloud? The classes range in level from beginner to advanced and include popular classes such as Yoga Flow, Cardio Kickboxing, Core Burn, Balletone, Street Jazz, and Power Body. The classes are either 30 minutes or 60 minutes long, and while these aren’t exactly short workouts, you will still be able to squeeze them into your busy days because you do not have to deal with commuting to and from the gym.


Social Media as Personal Trainer

Maruchy Lachance is president of Running Ninja!, a lifestyle brand for runners by runners. Running Ninja! offers a wide variety of apparel and gifts for runners to keep you happy and inspired while you’re on the run.

Of all of the wonderful things that have come from the World Wide Web, one of my personal favorites is social networking sites. These online darlings make it possible for us to connect with friends and family, as well as catching up with those from our past. An added bonus is the ability to connect with sites that guide, motivate and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Because you are reading this on Diets in Review, you already understand the importance of having trusted resources to help you stay on track while keeping you current in the world of health and fitness. (more…)

The Twitter Diet–Public Support or Humiliation?

Twitter DietWe’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: social support is key to a successful diet. But can social media fill this need? For New York Times writer Brian Stelter, it has. “I thought it would make me more accountable, because I could record everything I ate instantly,” he writes. He began his Twitter diet at over 270 pounds, and now weighs less than 200. Stelter tweeted about what he ate, his calorie count, and how much he exercised. “By Sept. 3 I’ll have lost 75 pounds. I’m already thinking ahead to the fall, when I’ll have to learn how to maintain my new size.”

But like any weight loss endeavor, the journey has not been easy. At first, Stelter thought that he would encounter criticism for the seemingly self-absorbed approach to wight loss. Instead, he found that being honest about his eating habits was even harder. Heavy drinking and late-night fast food didn’t get tweeted. “Within days, I stopped posting the daily log of bites and sips. I disappeared from the account for almost a week at a time.” (more…)

Gling.com: A Gluten-Free Social Site

Last month I completed a gluten-free series covering a variety of products and resources for those who suffer from Celiac disease or are looking for more information on the topic. A new resource recently launched called Gling, a social website for members to share in all things gluten-free and we wanted to take a closer look.

Gling originally launched providing information on food, recipes and a directory of gluten-free shops and restaurants by location. Additionally, there was an article section which includes original content from Gling writers as well as from popular gluten-free bloggers.

More recently, Gling announced a partnership with the University of Maryland Center for Celiac Research, which is the largest Celiac research center in the world. The research from this center has helped in making progress to diagnose, treat and improve the lives of people with Celiac, and should be a great resource for the Gling community.

I loved the concept of the site, so I signed myself up for a free membership and started checking out all the site had to offer. The main sections are recipes, food and locations. I review each below.

Achieve Healthy Goals with Social Networking

Guest blogger Carrie Labowitz is a business professional/blogger that uses her network of followers to stay on track and reach her goals.  Follow her on her blog, Fit to Fat and Back.

Last year a friend introduced me to social networking and I found myself spending hours searching for friends and family. I noticed how everyone was updating their status to reflect plans for the day or goals, what I really found interesting was the support they received from their friends. 

It was then that I started to wonder if I could find a group online to support me in my weight loss and wellness goals.

I found site after site specifically set up to provide me with the tools I needed to achieve my goals. Frankly, I joined too many sites, but eventually narrowed it down to sites I found most helpful. A year later I have lost 40 pounds and have started running. 

I accomplished these things with the support of my family and friends, but largely due to the support of the online community I connected with as a result of social networking
