Tag Archives: saturday morning drills

Saturday Morning Drills: Seven Squats to Sexy Sculpted Legs

If you’re the least bit interested in health and fitness, there’s a good chance you’ve done a few squats in your life. But have you ever really thought about how beneficial they are for your body?

First and foremost, squats aid in adding muscle to your frame. The more muscle you have, the more fat your body burns. For every pound of additional muscle you gain, your body burns another 50-70 calories per day. Squats also help maintain mobility and balance, boost your sports performance so you can do things like jump higher and run faster, and even help prevent injuries. They’re also the exercise that works the most muscles at the same time, targeting your legs, entire core and of course, your backside.

This morning as you get up and around to do your weekend chores, take a few minutes to get a quick leg workout in. All you need is about 20 minutes to go through this entire squatting routine. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Also Read:

Saturday Morning Drill: Bikini Body Blast

Top 5 Quad Exercises

The Perfect Squat

Saturday Morning Drill: 80s Fitness Revived

When it comes to health and fitness each decade has its own claim to fame. Crossfit, P90x, Zumba, spinning and yoga claimed the 2000s. The Atkins Diet, Soloflex, Tae bo and the release of fitness DVDs claimed the 90s (raise your hand if you still have one or two tapes in your arsenal). And when it comes to the 80s it was almost more about the style than the actual exercises.

Side ponies, bright pastel spandex and scrunchy socks reigned supreme. And so did trampoline workouts, Suzanne Somers and Jane Fonda, who released her first workout video in 1982 titled “Jane Fonda’s Workout.” The video was so well received it sold more than 1 million copies! That’s a lot of workout tapes and spandex, even for the 80s.

Though we have a few 90s-born babies in our office, the majority of our staff was born in the 1980s, meaning we have a personal fondness for fitness from that era (myself included). So this week’s Saturday Morning Drill channels that decade with workout moves that require no equipment and tone your whole body. The best part? It’s an absolute blast. So get on your tightest neon spandex, fashion your hair in a side pony and let’s get started!

Saturday Morning Drill: Post-Workout Stretching

For this week’s Saturday Morning Drill we’re stressing the importance of stretching. While it’s important to warm up before a workout, many people don’t realize you should actually save the stretching for after the workout.

Stretching is not recommended before a workout because your muscles are prone to injury when they’re cold, which temporarily slows muscle activation. In order to warm up the muscles sufficiently perform at least three to five minutes of cardiovascular activity such as running in place or jumping jacks. Then, stretch after your workout is complete.

Even for those who take the time to stretch after a workout, it’s not uncommon to rush through the movements and thus forgo reaping the full benefits of the stretch. But proper stretching should be completed after a workout because muscles tighten and shorten during exercise. By stretching them afterwards you help the muscle both length and restore. Other stretching benefits include increased flexibility, improved circulation, improved balance and coordination, decreased lower back pain and increased energy levels.

A proper stretch should be completed one to three times, holding each stretch for 10-60 seconds. Remember, you should be in control of the stretch by focusing on performing it slowly. Listen to your body – each movement should be held at a mild tension but not to the point of pain.

To get your heart rate up, try our fall Pumpkin Workout. Start by warming up with some cardio, performing the strength training exercises, and end with these beneficial stretches. 

Also Read:

7 Tips for Eliminating Muscle Soreness

Sneaky Ways to Squeeze in Stretching

Stretching is Essential for Runners

Saturday Morning Drill: 5 Minutes to a Fit Backside

I pride myself on several things. I keep things simple, giving beginners confidence to start their fitness journeys. I keep it real, working in the real world and dealing with the challenges that real women face trying to get fit. I can lift a backside better than anyone in town.

I often get compliments from clients (and their husbands) on the lift they’ve been given in their backsides since working with me. I can see it in their progress pictures, too. Where there was once flatness there is now curves. Where there was sagging there is now shape. I feel I have found my calling – to help women lift their derrieres.

If your backside isn’t as shapely as you’d like try this 5-minute routine just two times per week. It’s only 5 minutes so no rest! Warm up before with some light calisthenics like jogging in place or jumping jacks. When you are done make sure to stretch out those glutes.

Don’t forget: To rock your jeans through the fall and into winter you must eat clean as well! Try my Iron Woman Smoothie to refuel after your workout and give your muscles the building blocks they need to create a better backside.

Saturday Morning Drill: Pumpkin Workout

It’s almost Halloween and by this time almost everyone you know likely has a pumpkin either for decoration, carving or baking. But before you do anything too drastic, put your gourd to the test with this 15-minute full body workout that only requires one piece of equipment: A big, beautiful pumpkin.

When it comes to picking the perfect “workout” pumpkin, it should be medium in size and about 8 pounds (depending on your strength). If it’s too light the workout won’t be challenging. And if it’s too heavy you run the risk of injuring yourself. The pumpkin we chose was small to medium in size and worked perfectly. If you don’t have a pumpkin you can easily substitute a weighted ball or any semi-heavy round object. Be creative!

Each of the seven moves in this Saturday Morning Drill require about 12-15 reps. You can either do all of them once and then call it a day or you can really challenge yourself and complete  another 2-3 rounds. I personally like to aim for a minimum of two full rounds and then go for a third if I’m feeling extra motivated. Make the call for yourself once you get a taste of the workout.

When you’re done with your pumpkin, don’t let it go to waste! Instead, try these easy and healthy pumpkin recipes that your whole family will love.

Hearty Pumpkin Chili 

Pumpkin Spice Bread 

Sweet Pumpkin Polenta 

No Bake Pumpkin Pie

5 More Healthy Pumpkin Treats


Saturday Morning Drills: Kettlebell Strength Training

For this week’s Saturday Morning Drill we’re diving into something a bit different. We’re switching things up and confusing those muscles by incorporating a kettlebell.

Kettlebells are a handle-style weight typically made of cast-iron that ranges in weight between 5-105 pounds. They can be found at most major retailers for a reasonably low price, usually between $10-$15. In addition to being affordable and easy to store, they’re also the perfect tool for strength, flexibility and ballistic training, and can also incorporated into cardiovascular activity as well.

Among its many benefits, kettlebell training can aid with core stability, balance, coordination, blood circulation, muscle tone and fat loss, and can also help increase energy levels, improve sleep and boost self esteem. Sign us up!

It’s pretty common for females to be intimidated by weight training, but kettlebells are a great option for performing exercises comfortably in your very own home. They’re also great for switching things up and confusing your muscles. Your body can easily get used to a particular exercise if you perform it on a consistent basis. When this happens your workout isn’t as beneficial as it was the first few times you performed it, leaving you with less-than-desirable results.

NOTE: Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions for this routine. Performing a kettlebell exercise incorrectly can cause injury. If you’re unsure about how to perform an exercise correctly, do not attempt it before asking a personal trainer at your local gym in order to avoid risk of injury.



Saturday Morning Drill: Beautiful Backside

This weekend we’re focusing on you and your beautiful backside. Take just 15 minutes to complete a round or two of this intense workout suited for beginners and advanced fitness experts alike. By utilizing moves such as donkey kicks, squat pulses and leg lifts, you’ll be able to sculpt a more firm, toned backside in no time. Let’s get started!

Saturday Morning Drill: 15 Reps in 15 Minutes Total Body Workout

If you’ve got 15 minutes, you’ve got time to do this quick-yet-intense full body workout. The easiest part about it besides it requiring no equipment is that each exercise is completed a total of 15 times. This means that once you learn the moves, you can get straight to it, counting 15 reps all the way.

We integrate simple moves like high knees and jumping jacks with more challenging exercises like split squat jumps and push ups with a leg raise to get your heart rate pumping and add some serious tone to your figure. Get through the exercises as many time as you can in 15 minutes. Let’s get started!

Saturday Morning Drill: Body Weight Workout

Many of us look forward to the weekend for several reasons, whether we have big plans or are just ready for some rest. If you’re like me, you have a hard time getting yourself to the gym on Saturday mornings when there are so many other things you’d rather be doing (like sleeping in).

When you finally do get up and around, there are a lot of workouts you can do right in your own home without any equipment other than your own body weight. These exercises are a great switch up from your regular gym routine and can benefit your body no matter how intense your normal workouts may be.

For this week’s Saturday Morning Drill, we’ve come up with several body weight and plyometric exercises that will get your blood pumping, sweat dripping and help strengthen your upper body and core. Among the many benefits of plyometric workouts are muscle development, speed, agility, endurance, coordination and fat loss. Let’s get started.

Saturday Morning Drill: Workout Ball Express

If you’ve ever fumbled your way around a workout ball, this is the Saturday Drill for you. Though incorporating new equipment into your fitness regimen can be bit uncomfortable at first, branching out and trying new things will ensure you won’t get bored and lose your enthusiasm for exercise.

Plus, breaking out of your normal routine often adds a new element of challenge that can surprise your body, engage new muscle groups and ultimately leave you fitter as a result.

Here, we outline seven simple exercises all using a workout ball. Try going through all the moves at least once. If you’re really looking for a sweat, repeat it once or twice more.

Additionally, if you don’t have a proper workout ball, you can always make modifications by using a chair or bench for the seated exercises, and a weight or a small ball for the lunges and squats.

Saturday Morning Drill: Fitness Challenges For the Whole Family

Have you ever tried to motivate those around to get active and received a less-than-desirable response? This happens to me all the time, but that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped trying; I’ve just changed my approach.

When you’re passionate about health, it’s natural to take interest in the health of others. However, doing so without tact is unwise. If you try and force someone to come to join you chances are you’ll scare them off, which is the opposite of what you want.

One simple way I’ve found that makes exercise more fun is to make it a challenge or a game. For instance, parents can challenge their kids to pick up all the loose toys around the house. The winner receives an appropriate reward be it a trip to the zoo or a special outing to their favorite restaurant.

For couples without kids, challenging each other with little contests can be a great way to inspire each other toward health and foster intimacy. On a recent jog with my husband, I suggested a sprint challenge. Whoever won two sprints out of three got to decide where we ate that night. My husband won by a long shot, so Chipotle for dinner it was; although I think we both won with that healthy dinner choice. (more…)