Tag Archives: rockwall climbing

Rock Wall Climbing Challenges Both Body and Mind

Last week, our team here at Diets In Review decided to step away from our desks for an afternoon of practicing what we preach by doing something active. Our activity of choice? Rock wall climbing.

We met up at a local health club that houses the state of Kansas’ largest rock wall, strapped on our gear, and raced to the top. Not only did we all have a great time together, but we also got in a pretty descent workout.

Indoor rock wall climbing can be beneficial to many parts of the body. For one, it’s a great cardiovascular activity. If you’re new to climbing, try starting out easy by climbing for about five minutes at a time. You’ll eventually get the hang of things so you can work your way up to 30 minutes or more.

Rock wall climbing is also great for toning and increasing muscle mass. Some of the areas that get most challenged are your chest, back, arms, shoulders, forearms and legs. In addition, with all of the stretching you do in order to reach that next blue mount ahead of you, you’ll also be working on your body’s balance and flexibility.

Obviously this activity helps the body physically, but did you know it provides mental benefits as well? (more…)