Tag Archives: mark pinhasovitch

Missing the Final Four in Mark’s and Brendan’s Biggest Loser Elimination Interview

Two more bite the dust and in the wake they leave us with Biggest Loser season 10’s final four. It’s probably not a stretch for anyone who has followed this season to have been shocked to see Elizabeth amongst that group, and Mark Pinhasovitch out of the running, being the season’s final elimination.

“It hurt, I deserved to be final four,” said Mark in our interview. He said Elizabeth wasn’t any less worthy, but that he “worked his butt off” all season and believed he was the right guy for the honor.

The episode’s other casualty was Brendan Donovan, who dominated this season’s game play. A loss of five pounds this week in the weigh-in sent Brendan home immediately, placing him under the red line. Trainer Bob Harper has often been heard saying that game players never win, and that seemed to be the case this time.

Listen now to our interview with Brendan and Mark. Brendan owns up to his game play, but also reminds us to remember the moments when his true self shown through. And Mark is primed and ready to win the at-home prize, hear how he’s preparing.
