Tag Archives: healthy baby

Infant Formulas Cause Differing Growth Rates

Doctors and scientists have long known that formula fed babies gain weight faster, and are heavier, than breast fed babies. It’s been surmised that the differing growth rate has to do with the composition of the formula, which is cow based. Recent studies support this idea.

Researchers know that free amino acids and proteins increase satiety in adults. They wanted to see if infants had the same result. Headed by Julie Mennella, PhD, researchers at the Monell Chemical Senses Center in Philadelphia randomized 64 healthy term infants whose mothers had already chosen formula over breast feeding. The babies received either cow’s-milk formula (Enfamil) or protein hydrolysate formula (Nutramigen) from ages 2 weeks to 7.5 months. By the end of the study, those infants who received the Nutramigen had weight-for-length and weight-for-age scores closer to normal than those infants who received the Enfamil, or an average of two pounds.  One of the reasons for the faster weight gain may be the comparatively higher consumption of the cow’s-milk formula despite both formulas containing the same number of calories per ounce, as reported in the journal Pediatrics.


Even Busy Moms Can Make Homemade Baby Food [VIDEO]

Before my daughter was born I decided to make my own baby food. Several friends had done so and raved about the cost savings, ease and enjoyment. That, coupled with my plans being justified after reading My Two-Year-Old Eats Octopus, inspired me to put a new blender and food processor on my registry. The gift was fulfilled and last month I put it to use for the first time, as my now five-month-old daughter was ready for solids. Solids in the form of pureed, liquified vegetables.

I’m certainly not on a high horse about it, as I’ve unfortunately been accused. Instead, I’m sharing my experience with it because I’m shocked at how easy, affordable and fun it is. Plus, it’s a really healthy option to feed my daughter and expose her as young as possible to fresh foods (and my love of cooking!). Processed, jarred baby foods can mask the true flavor, smell and color of fruits and vegetables. Plus, the pre-made baby foods at the store come in a limited variety and cost, in some cases, more than a dollar a jar (or, a dollar per feeding). I haven’t found zucchini or pumpkin at the store, but my daughter has enjoyed both of those varieties at home.

Watch the video below as I describe my first batch of zucchini, carrots and squash. It’s a six-week supply of food that I paid $7.50 for, and spent two hours preparing. (more…)

Excessive Pregnancy Weight Gain Can Lead to Obese Children

Here at Dietsinreview.com, we dedicate a lot of time to providing information and tips to help you shape a healthier you. Keeping yourself healthy just got even more important with new evidence showing that for women who are pregnant, excess pregnancy weight can lead to childhood obesity. The findings show that bigger than average babies can be programmed to become overweight children, which further can lead to diabetes and heart disease.

The Institute of Medicine suggests that for healthy a pregnancy, women with the following BMIs, gain the corresponding amount of weight:

• Body Mass Index of 18.5 or lower, recommended weight gain: 28-40 pounds
• Body Mass Index of 18.6-24.9, recommended weight gain: 25-35 pounds
• Body Mass Index of 25-29.9, recommended weight gain: 25-25 pounds
• Body Mass Index of 30 or higher, recommended weight gain: 11-20 pounds

(Please note you should always consult with your doctor to find out the healthy range for you.)

There was also evidence to show that it was not just the weight gained during pregnancy that could lead to child obesity, but the weight you are before becoming pregnant. If a mother is overweight or obese before they become pregnant, their child is more likely to be obese, as well. It is alarming to learn that children can enter into the world with pre-determined health issues, but the good news is that by working to keep ourselves healthy, mother’s can have a direct impact on their families.

This holds true that the examples you set for your family today, by the foods you keep in-house and your active lifestyle, will shape the way the habits they form, too. If you need help on setting a good example, make sure to check-in with our Dietsinreview.com Chief Mom Carmen Stacier. She is a regular contributor, providing news and tips to help you improve and maintain your own health, and that of your family.

Below are links to some great tips for keeping kids healthy from DIR Chief Mom, Carmen:

How to Select a Healthy Peanut Butter

How to Pack a Healthy Lunch: Kid-Friendly Beverages

Grocery Store Shopping Tips