Tag Archives: health

Protect Your Health for Your Great Grandchildren

generationsNature v. nurture is an important debate in both psychology and adoption, my two careers. I think it can be pretty big in discussing weight gain and weight loss as well. Is our body shape pre-determined by our genes or a result of the environment in which we are raised? I have generally taken the stance that we have certain genetic pre-dispositions; however, those can be altered through our behavior and environment. Apparently the relationship between genetics and environment is even more complicated than that. (more…)

101 Diet Tips for the New Year

dietDietsInReview.com has your bum covered when it comes to having 2024 be the year you meet your health and weight loss goals. So just to make sure you have no excuse not to lose those 10, 20 or 50 pounds, or banish all trans-fats from your diet, here are 101 of our best diet tips to help you finally achieve the health of your dreams.

1. Notice the internal obstacles that keep you from meeting your health goals and work to overcome them. Reach for the Oreos whenever you have a fight with your partner? Work out your emotional stress constructively rather than through food.
2. Investigate what external obstacles are keeping you from achieving your health goals and work around them. Always work late? Get up early to exercise.
3. Add more fiber to your diet and eat your sushi with fiber-packed brown rice rather than plain white.
4. Add slices of fresh cucumber and fresh mint springs to regular water for a clean and refreshing twist on plain old H20.
5. Don’t wait for May to get in shape. Make small health goals all year-round so that you’re always striving to look, be and feel your best, 365 days a year.
6. Use chopped mushrooms in place of ground meat or poultry to save calories, reduce your carbon footprint and give your nutrition a healthy boost.
7. Reduce your environmental impact: Skip the treadmill and hit the trails for your cardio workout.
8. If you don’t already have a strength-training workout routine, commit to one this New Year. If you one already, amp it up and make new muscle-defining goals. Jennifer Aniston’s arms anyone?
9. Side-lined by an injury? Ask your physical therapist about testing out a new low-impact workout like yoga or Pilates to maintain your shape and your mood.
10. Use caution with diet supplements, as many of them have been linked to side effects and potentially dangerous ingredients. (more…)

Read and Ride Program Promotes Health and Reading in Kids

read and ride logoMost of the news coming out on children’s health is not that encouraging. Statistics like childhood obesity has tripled since 1980, 18 percent of adolescents are overweight and over 10 percent of younger preschool children between ages 2 and 5 are overweight. Add to this that more than 8 million American children in grades 4  to 12 struggle to read, write and comprehend adequately.

These are not good-looking numbers for our younger generation.


Obese Students Must Take Health Class to Graduate

weightIn today’s supersized culture, it is important that all of us take responsiblity to advocate for improved health but administrators at Lincoln University in Oxford, Pennsylvania are taking their role as health advocates very seriously. In fact, some critics argue that the predominately African-American college may be taking their concern for the health of their students a bit too far.


Self Magazine’s Healthiest and Unhealthiest Cities

healthy livingSELF, the national women’s well-being magazine, announced that Burlington, Vermont is the nation’s healthiest city in its 10th annual Healthiest Places for Women survey.

DietsInReview had an opportunity to talk with SELF Features Director, Sara Austin about the survey. You can listen to the interview to hear Sara discuss the relevance of these results and how irrespective of whether you live in Indianapolis or Bethesda, we can all find ways to improve our health.



10 Simple Ways to a Healthier You

Being healthy isn’t all about just hitting the gym and eating right, although it helps; there is much more involved in the health equation. It is recommended that you get at least 30 to 60 minutes of exercise per day at least five days per week. I understand that exercising is a huge time commitment and that life is busy, but try to follow the recommendations the best you can.healthy family

Remember, if you are not breaking a sweat, you are not working hard enough!

So, putting exercise aside, being healthy mentally and physically requires a lot more than just getting the heart rate up. Below are 10 simple ways to a healthier you! Each of the following will help increase your energy levels and in turn, better workouts and more productive days will be the result. (more…)

Top 10 Fittest Cities in the U.S.

washington dc capitol buildingWashington, D.C. may be more famous for political gridlock, but apparently the capitol city knows how to get one thing done correctly – fitness.

The second annual list of America’s fittest cities published by the WellPoint Foundation has been released, and Washington, D.C. has landed itself in the top spot. It made its way up from fourth place in 2024.

The WellPoint Foundation collected data from the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the United States. There is only one other year to compare the statistics, but what the second year allows the researchers is to evaluate the progress or regression of the areas examined. (more…)

Live Happy iPhone App Keeps You Happy and Healthy

live happy iphone appAccording to the background information provided, Live Happy is a positive psychology iPhone app based on the happiness research of psychology professor and author of The How of Happiness, Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky. The app includes personalization based on short quizzes and research-based activities that can increase happiness. These activities include:

Goal Setting/Evaluating/Tracking
Expressing Gratitude Directly
Keeping a Gratitude Journal
Replaying Happy Days
Keeping a Savoring Album
Envisioning Your Best Possible Self
Nurturing Relationships
and Remembering Acts of Kindness (more…)

Interview with Nine Steps to Happiness and Health Authors

happiness and health bookHow many times have we said this to ourselves: “If only I could lose 10 pounds, then I would be happy,” or “I can never be truly happy as long as my back continues to hurt.”

What it takes to be happy may not be a consequent of losing weight or having a pain-free lumbar spine, but rather, making the choice to be a happy person irrespective of weight or pain may determine just how healthy we can be.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Rick Foster, one of the co-authors of Happiness & Health. Rick and fellow author Greg Hicks discuss their breakthrough research and findings on what it takes to find the two things we covet most in life: Happiness and Health. Rick and Greg are also the authors of the bestselling and international sensation How We Choose to Be Happy.

Continue reading to see the interview. (more…)

Pamper Yourself to Good Health

spa treatmentWhat do you do for others that you do not do for yourself? Do you clean more deeply when visitors are coming? Even though most people enjoy the results of a put together home, many are a bit more lax when just the family will see the contents. Do you only use the soft towels when you have guests? Do you get something fast and less healthy when it is just you? Are you more likely to cook with the freshest ingredients when you have a dinner guest? How would your family dinner be different if Jillian Michaels was coming for a visit? Are you more likely to go to exercise every day when your high school reunion is approaching? (more…)

Obesity Leads to Fewer Brain Cells

brainA new study just released in the Journal of Human Brain Mapping showed that obese individuals have eight percent less brain tissue than normal-weight individuals and their brains look 16 years older than the brains of individuals who are at normal weights. In addition, the brains of overweight individuals looked eight years older than those of leaner individuals.

Lead researchers of the study call this “severe brain degeneration” a great risk for degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, in addition to other diseases that affect the brain. (more…)