Tag Archives: Fit Bottomed Girls

Your Game Plan for Eating Healthy at Any Sushi Restaurant

By Jennipher Walters for FitBottomedGirls.com

Sushi can be a fabulously healthy meal — if you stick to the right fare and have a game plan. (Key word there being “if.”) As a general rule, the authentic stuff is the best. So if it sounds like a frat boy named it (think: Santa Maria’s Suicide Roll, The Blur Roll or Acid Drops — all real names from real restaurants, mind you), you should probably stay away from it as they usually include more American ingredients such as mayo, cream cheese or something fried. Here are more tips for eating healthy at a sushi restaurant!


Get Your Run on With This Running Music Playlist

By Erin Whitehead for FitBottomedGirls.com

Whether you’re training for a marathon, sprinting to a lover or running from the cops, this hodge-podge running playlist will get you moving. And with a total run time (run time…get it? Ha!) of just less than 37 minutes, it’s the perfect length for any running or jogging workout!



Credit: timtak

Running Music Playlist

1. Running, No Doubt: Warm up with a slow walk, picking up the pace during the choruses.

2. Born to Run, Bruce Springsteen: Although we may not have all been born to run, this tune is perfect for building up to a jog, whether you’re a beginner runner or an Olympic athlete.

3. Ready to Run, Dixie Chicks: When the Dixie Chicks are ready ready ready ready to run, you should run faster, too.

4. Let’s Get It Started, Black Eyed Peas: Let the chorus be your guide. Get a sprint started when the Peas want to “get it started in here” and recover between the choruses.

5. Play, David Banner: Be warned, the explicit version is explicit. Enjoy this steady song and maintain your pace.

6. Break My Stride, Blue Lagoon: This version’s a little more fast-paced than the original, so feel free to pick up the pace again.

7. Runnin’ Down a Dream, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers: Recover from your last push for the first half of this song, then pick up the pace again.

8. Run For Your Life, The Beatles: Pick up the momentum here for a minute, then recover before your last push.

9. Police On My Back, The Clash: Speed up your pace for the last time here, pushing yourself when they start listing all the days of the week they run.

10. Run, Collective Soul: Slow it down, ending on with a walk during this cool-down song. Pat yourself on the back for a run well done!

What’s your favorite song to run to?

Also Read:

25 Best Workout Songs Ever

Fun Summer Workout Playlist

A Glee-themed Workout Playlist


5 Tips to Keep Up With Your Fitness After Baby

By Erin Whitehead for FitBottomedMamas.com

Committing to a proactive postnatal fitness routine is easy pre-baby, but with parenthood comes a variety of challenges that can land even the best-laid exercise plans on the back burner. So how do you stay committed? Postnatal fitness expert and Stroller Strides founder Lisa Druxman weighs in with some tips to keep mom motivated to stick with her postnatal workout—with the help of her BOB stroller, the official stroller of Stroller Strides.


Health Buzz: Soak Up Summer While You Can

In this week’s Health Buzz, host Jamie Yuenger shares some ideas for getting the most out of the final weeks of summer.

With ideas and guidance from FitBottomedGirls, Calorie Count, and our team, you’ll find an inspired new playlist and how to cut the guilt at BBQs. Plus, Panini Happy has a recipe for an unbelievable grilled peach panini.

It’s all in this week’s Health Buzz! Click to watch it now.

See more Health Buzz episodes.

3 Healthy Ways to Eat Tofu Shirataki Noodles

By Jenn Walters for FitBottomedGirls.com

tofu-shirataki-noodlesI love pasta. Like, I would eat it every night if I could. But alas, pasta is high in calories—even the whole-wheat, high-fiber kinds—and I don’t do pasta portion-control well. A half-cup serving just isn’t enough in my book, no matter how much I try to fill up with a side salad. So, when I first heard about Tofu Shirataki Noodles, I was elated. These noodles are made out of tofu, which is a tad odd I’ll admit (and I’m even a regular tofu nut), but one package has only 40 calories, one gram of fat, four grams of fiber and two grams of protein. Wow.

I’d heard mixed reviews about the noodles. Hungry Girl is a huge proponent of them, but even she admits that they’re not for everyone. I figured that for 40 calories it was definitely worth trying. I picked up four packages of the noodles—two spaghetti and two fettuccine—at Whole Foods. Each package costs about $1.75, so it wasn’t crazy expensive. With my new noodles, I tried three different ways to munch them up, all which had some pros and cons that I’d thought I’d share.


6 Tips to Feel Strong and Fit When You’re Pregnant

By Erin Whitehead for FitBottomedMamas.com

Some women love being pregnant. The time flies by, and they feel more beautiful and feminine than ever before. For others, it can mean nine long months of feeling uncomfortable in their own skin. Because everyone is a little different, I talked with prenatal/postnatal fitness expert and new mom Sara Haley for her top tips on how to feel strong and fit throughout pregnancy. Read on!

6 Stay-Strong Tips for Pregnancy

1. Move it, move it. Get up and move every day. By staying in bed too much, your blood and oxygen flow slows down, which can make you feel even less energized and motivated. Whether it’s simply walking to the grocery store or getting to the gym, the more you move, the more energized you’ll feel and the more comfortable you will be in your new body.

2. Eat regularly and drink lots of water. I hear pregnant women complain of constipation all the time, which definitely does not lead to feeling sexy. I can honestly say that I did not have any constipation during my pregnancy, and I credit it all to a regular exercise regimen, healthy eating and drinking lots of water. Eat often and drink more water than you think you’ll need. I don’t believe in “eating for two” (most doctors only recommend an extra 250 to 350 calories in the second and third trimesters), but perhaps think about “drinking H20 for two” instead. That way you’ll be sure to stay hydrated.


Take Off the Weight With a Hoopnotica Hula-Hooping Class

By Tish Merritt for FitBottomedGirls.com

Hula hooping may seem more like playtime than a workout, but if we know anything, it’s that you’re more likely to stick to a workout when it’s actually, you know, fun! And don’t get it twisted — working out with a hula hoop isn’t a walk (or a swivel) in the park…

I met up with Jackie Hesley, hoop dancer extraordinaire and Hoopnotica instructor, on a beautiful Saturday morning in the Santa Monica, Cali., area and basically got a nice slice of humble pie served to me on a hoop for breakfast. My boyfriend scoffed the hula hoop, stating it wasn’t the kind of workout a guy could get sweat to. Hmph. He came back from running around the park and saw his girl, hula hoopin’ and sweating like I do in his boot-camp classes (he’s a personal trainer and tortures me regularly in class) and his mouth fell open. Score one for the hula hoop.

Don’t get me wrong, the class is totally fun. Jackie plugs up her iPhone to a small speaker system, and we party like it’s 1999.  Plus she’s hilarious and nice to boot. She teaches a hodge podge of folks (men and women), so she’s used to different levels of hula-hoop hossness being in her mix, thankfully. I personally hadn’t hooped since probably kindergarten when my boy crush hula-hooped up to me and said he’d marry me if I could hoop for longer than him. I tried. I really did! But, alas, no love connection. (more…)

10 Tips for Better Body Confidence

Jennipher Walters is co-founder and editor of Fit Bottomed Girls, a website featuring fresh fitness content for real women and girls interested in improving their lives through physical activity and sensible eating. With the slogan of “Keeping a Lid on the Junk in the Trunk,” the Fit Bottomed Girls have fun incorporating workouts into their daily lives and hope to inspire other women to do the same. After all, fit bottoms come in all shapes and sizes!

All of us suffer from poor body confidence every now and again, but if you’re disliking yourself and your body more often than not, it’s time to learn how to love yourself. Follow these 10 tips to start looking and feeling your best!

1. Sit up straight! Want to lose 10 pounds in 3 seconds? Sit up straighter. Draw those shoulders back, tighten those abs and walk with confidence. Talk about a quick makeover! (more…)

Fit Bottomed Girls Launches Weight Loss Challenge in Kansas City

Most of us who regularly follow friends or fitness experts on social media and read health blogs, like this one, recognize the value of online relationships and community.

For many, going online and reading weight-loss tips each day helps them to stay motivated, committed and, in some cases, accountable (especially if you’re blogging about your own health journey!). However, one fitness website that’s obviously near and dear to my heart (I’m its editor!) is going beyond the virtual world and into the “real world.”

A few weeks ago, the Fit Bottomed Girls website and blog kicked off its first weight-loss challenge. Launched live in Kansas City, Mo., in conjunction with the nutrition club Energy Zone 151, the challenge consists of weekly two-hour classes for eight weeks. With a goal of being interactive and supportive, the classes cover topics that teach participants everything they need to know about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. From learning how to cook healthy, yet tasty foods to working out at local health clubs to conquering emotional eating, the classes are both fun and thought-provoking. (more…)