Tag Archives: diets

hCG Diet Reviewed by FullBar’s Dr. Michael Snyder

Dr. Michael Snyder

With loyal and passionate followers and and concerned naysayers, the hCG diet is one of the most controversial diets on the market today. In order to offer the DietsInReview.com readers with a medical and scientific perspective, we interviewed Dr. Michael Snyder, a weight loss surgeon and the founder of FullBar, to share his medical opinion about the hCG diet.

What is hCG?

hCG is a naturally-occurring hormone. But just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean that it’s safe.

Increased amounts of hCG are part of a common physiological process, such as in the instance of pregnancy, but they are also markers of severe pathological problems as well, such as malignancies.

Does hCG work?

I have seen no indication that ingesting hCG increases your blood level of it. Your body, just like it would digest a piece of chicken, is going to digest hCG and break it down. (more…)

UN Encourages a Vegan Diet

It may be that vegetarians and vegans are finally having their day in the limelight:

“A global shift towards a vegan diet is vital to save the world from hunger, fuel poverty and the worst impacts of climate change,” says a just-released report issued by the UN.

As the global population surges towards a predicted 9.1 billion people by 2050, western tastes for diets rich in meat and dairy products are unsustainable, says the report from United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) international panel of sustainable resource management.


Michelle Obama Announces Calorie-Cutting Initiative

In a live press conference First Lady Michelle Obama discussed an exciting announcement in regards to the ‘Let’s Move‘ campaign and the ‘Partnership for a Healthier America’ who have begun to seek a solution to reverse the epidemic of childhood obesity. The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation, comprised of 16 food companies, have pledged to cut one trillion calories from the food they sell, and change products to reduce calories, fat, sugar, sodium and portion size.

The four main pillars of the Let’s Move program are to make schools healthier, increase the amount of physical activity children get at school and at home, give parents the information to make healthy decisions, and increase access to food for all families.


Sound Therapy for Weight Loss and Giveway Offer

The ReMind Weight Loss MP3 Player

Guest bloggers, Jill Slane and her husband, Rod, developed Prescription Audio in 2005. Prescription Audio offers a wide variety of portable MP3 and CD programs that promote healthy living through natural wellness. For more information, visit Prescription Audio.

Does it ever feel like your mind is literally working against you when you’re dieting? That’s probably because it is. Many of our choices about what, when and how to eat are subtly and overtly influenced by a host of factors every day – including work schedules, sleep patterns, travel time, exercise plans, available food options, their relative costs, advertising, our families and peer groups, along with many other influencers. 

Our bodies are so stressed by the rigors of modern life we often switch our brains to autopilot without even noticing when faced with thousands of daily decisions. That’s one reason why it’s so hard to break habits and partly explains why we have to literally retrain our minds to achieve long-term dieting and health success.


Oprah Says “No More Dieting”

Perhaps you saw Geneen Roth, author of Women, Food and God, on the Oprah Show. If you didn’t and you’re someone who has ever dieted or battled with their weight, then please, do your body, mind and soul a favor and track down the already-aired episode online.

Roth’s appearance and more notably, her message to women and men, has already created a small movement as women all over the country are waking up this morning, thinking just a bit more thoughtfully about why they are reaching for a second blueberry muffin or polishing off their kid’s unfinished mac & cheese.

In reference to Women, Food and God and from the words of Oprah herself, whose own battle with her weight has created as much media awareness as global warming, “This book is an opportunity to finally end the war with weight and unlock the door to freedom.”


The New Atkins for a New You Diet: Healthy or Unhealthy?

The Atkins Diet is one of the most well-recognized, yet controversial, diet plans. Started in 1972 by Dr. Robert Atkins, the Atkins Diet is credited for starting the low-carb craze that has helped thousands lose weight, only to stuff themselves with bagels, fettuccine Alfredo and Krispy Kremes once they completed the pre-maintenance phase and unfortunately gain all the weight back.

While there is no denying that the Atkins approach, which is modeled on the ketogenic diet, will strip away pounds, its high fat content and potential to increase cardiovascular disease and kidney stones has made it a target for health and nutrition experts. But in an attempt to polish its tarnished image, and provide dieters with a more flexible Atkins eating plan, The New Atkins for a New You was created.


Is KFC’s Double Down Calorie Count Accurate?

The newest culinary celebrity to hit the red carpet is a cute little sandwich called the Double Down, courtesy of KFC. A fast-food chicken lover’s dream and a health foodie’s nightmare, (DIR actually called it “frightening”), the Double Down is cheese, sauce, and bacon between two pieces of chicken, either fried or grilled.

The Original Recipe (read: fried) Double Down has 540 calories, 10 grams of saturated fat, 1,380 mg of sodium, and one gram of fiber. The grilled Double Down (for the health conscious, of course) is 460 calories, nine grams of saturated fat, 1,430 mg of sodium, and zero grams of fiber.


Tune in: Stop Dieting for Good on the Oprah Show

Image via: Oprah.com

Tune in this Wednesday, May 12 to the Oprah Show to discover how you can get rid of every diet book and weight loss pill you’ve ever purchased.

On the show, Oprah welcomes author of Women, Food and God, Geneen Roth, a writer and speaker whose battle with her own weight has inspired her to discover her own pathway to freedom.


Tune in: Kirstie Alley on the Ellen Degeneres Show

Tune in this Tuesday, April 13 to the Ellen Degeneres Show when Kirstie Alley stops by to discuss her highly publicized battle with weight and to share her weight loss progress with viewers.

Just recently, Kirstie premiered her own reality show, My Big Life, which chronicles her very up and down battle with her weight. In her attempts to get healthy her own way, she has also created her own weight loss plan, Organic Liason, the first USDA certified organic weight loss program.


Tune in: 175-Pound Weight Loss Follow-Up on Oprah

Tune in this Monday, April 5 to the Oprah Show when Oprah follows up with a previous guest who lost 175 pounds.

It was a stand-up-and-cheer weight loss moment on an Oprah episode a few months back, but what happened when the guest went home?

Has she kept the weight off? Or has she regained it all back?


Bet Dieting with Lose It or Lose It

There’s nothing like a little peer pressure to help you lose weight and get into shape. I remember that I was in the best shape of my life when I had a workout partner at the gym in my 20s. Now that I’m approaching 40 with two children under four-years old, the exercise is a bit more of a challenge to squeeze into my lifestyle.

There’s another bit of pressure that may help you attain your weight loss goals: losing money! The phenomenon known as “bet dieting” is apparently still going strong. Last year, we spotlighted a site known as StickK that uses gambling as a way to keep people motivated to lose weight. You put up money, and if you hit your weight loss goal, you retain your cash. If you lose it, you can even attach it to a charity that you disagree with, making the incentive even higher. These are generally right or left wing political initiatives. If you aren’t politically inclined, the motive of keeping your money is probably still enough

The latest entry into the weight loss betting sites is Lose It or Lose It. The domain name pretty much says it all. You cough up the cash if you don’t reach your goal. But unlike StickK (whose slogan is “Put a contract out on yourself,” by the way), the cash stays with Lose It or Lose It. (more…)