Tag Archives: Diet Tips

5 Biggest Diet Myths Debunked on Dr. Oz

Check out Dr. Oz’s November 7 episode to find out the five biggest diet myths people believe today. The stage becomes a scientific laboratory as Dr. Oz dons safety goggles and joins his friend Science Bob to discover what’s true and what’s not in the world of dieting. 

Questions such as “does water shrink your waistline?,” “does aging make you gain weight?,” and “should you wait until you’re hungry to eat?” are debunked as myths as Dr. Oz gives audiences the real truth behind these misconceptions. He shares the shocking myths that your own doctor believes and that he was also told in medical school that simply are not true. (more…)

5 Steps to Automatically Burn Fat Like a Naturally Thin Person

By Jonathan Bailor

In part one of this article, we covered why the traditional calorie counting approach to weight loss fails for more than 95 percent of us. Now let’s cover the simple scientific alternative: Enabling our body to automatically balance calories for us around a slimmer set-point.

Too Good To Be True?

To get started, it sounds like I’m saying that our body can keep us slimmer much like it currently keeps us heavier, and that sounds too good to be true, right? Maybe not. We all know people who eat a lot and exercise a little and stay slim. They’re called naturally thin people, and they prove that the human body is capable of keeping us slim as reliably as it keeps us heavy. So the question is not: “Can the body burn fat automatically?” The question is: “How do we get our body to burn fat automatically like a naturally thin person?” Science shows us that the answer is surprisingly simple.

How Burning Fat Is Like Running Fast

Before we dig into the specifics of getting our bodies to work more like a naturally thin person’s body, let’s quickly set expectations by comparing our ability to burn fat with our ability to run fast. Everyone can run faster if they put a little effort in, but only a few of us will achieve world-class results no matter how much effort we put in. Why? Our genetics play a big role in how fast we are. Back to burning fat. Everyone can be slimmer if they put a little effort in, but only a few of us will achieve world-class results no matter how much effort we put in. Why? Our genetics play a big role in how slim we are.

The Good and Bad News of Burning Body Fat

So there’s good news and bad news. Let’s start with the bad news. For all intents and purposes we’re as likely to look like a fitness magazine cover model as we are to get on the cover of Sports Illustrated. On to the good news. I used the term “a little effort” earlier on purpose. Once we have access to simple and proven science instead of complex and profit-driven myths, getting and staying as slim as our genetics allow is much easier than we’ve been lead to believe.

For example, here’s are five simple steps to enable your body to work more like the body of a naturally thin person: (more…)

Dr. Oz’s Lean Green Supper Shake and 5 Fat Busting Tips

Want to know about the newest fat busters available to those wanting to lose weight quickly? Then watch Dr. Oz October 29 to see his latest advice for fast-acting and popular trends in the weight loss industry, including a new technology and a 3-day diet.

Oz tosses around phrases like “revolutionary treatment,” “secret formula,” and “in many ways it’s the holy grail” like he has the miracle cure-all for everyone, but in reality, most of his suggestions are based on simple common sense for how to lose weight.

One suggestion Dr. Oz highlights on his show is not traditional dieting advice, but a medical treatment that melts layers of fat through the skin. Watch as one woman gets the treatment done on the show with visible results. This technology is called VASER, and is a non-invasive ultrasound therapy that warms fatty tissue to encourage it to metabolize and drain excess fluids. Other tips include drinking tea and taking garcinia cambogia (HCA) with your meals. (more…)

Your 5-Step Plan for Choosing the Right Goal Weight

By Bob Greene for TheBestLife.com

You’re looking to drop some weight—but how much? What weight is right for your body? Use the five steps below to make sure the goal weight you have in mind is a healthy one.

Step One: Look at Your Family Tree.

Your weight is determined primarily by genetics. This doesn’t mean that you’re destined to follow in your parents’ or grandparents’ footsteps when it comes to weight, but it can give you an idea of what’s realistic for you. For instance, if your parents have always struggled with weight, you may not be able to get to the lower end of the BMI scale, but you can certainly get into the healthy category.

Step Two: Assess Your Habits.  

Your choices and habits also affect your weight. Look at your lifestyle: What has been the lowest weight you’ve maintained as an adult? Have you had children? How active are you? These factors influence how low a weight you’ll be able to get down to now.   (more…)

100,000 Pounds of Weight Loss on The Doctors

The Doctors share weight loss secrets on their October 25 episode as they give you 100,000 pounds worth of dieting inspiration.

The show will feature true weight loss stories of people who have lost huge amounts of weight – 50, 100, and even 200 pounds – to motivate you on your journey of weight loss.

We here at Diets in Review know how difficult it can be to lose those needed amounts of body fat. Some turn to traditional diets, weight loss pills, new fitness regimens, a different approach to eating, or a mixture of these to find the right approach for each individual. So if others can do it, you can too! (more…)

3 Free Weekly Meal Planner Worksheets to Organize Healthy Homemade Food

I am a big proponent of meal planning. It’s something I’ve been doing in my own home for four years, and it’s one of the first things I recommend to anyone trying to be more healthily, trying to manage their grocery budget, or wanting to ensure they eat more food at home. It’s a simple task that takes a few minutes of my time every Sunday, keeps me in check at the grocery store, and keeps me from stressing that “what’s for dinner” question every night of the week.

The answer? It’s on the front of the refrigerator.

Thanks to Laura Likes Design, we’re sharing three meal plan worksheets that you can print off and use in your home. With spaces for three meals a day, seven days a week, you’ll never have to wonder what you’re having at breakfast, lunch, or dinner. And we’ve built in space for a grocery list, too! You can take the worksheet to the store with you to help stick to the plan.

Design 1, including a sample weekly meal plan to show you how easy it is to stay on track! Click here to download this PDF.

How does a weekly plan save you money?

You stick to the list! You aren’t aimlessly dropping things in your shopping cart hoping to wind up at home with enough stuff to throw together a meal. Everything that goes in your cart has a purpose. You buy, and therefore spend money on, only those things you need. (more…)

How a Busy Person Can Easily Lose Weight

In the modern day we live in people are leading more hectic lives than ever before. It seems that we are always running around trying to get as much done as possible in the 24 hours that we have been given in a day.

So whenever we begin to think about slowing down and working to lose all that excess weight we are carrying we begin to think about things such as personal trainers, long tedious hours in the gym, expensive and tasteless food, and working day and night trying to prepare it all to eat.

But this idea that most people have of what it takes to lose weight is far from the reality. You can easily lose weight if you implement a few solid principles into your life.

The most important thing to do is avoid those scams out there, such as weight loss pills. They just don’t work!

The following tips will help you lose weight fast: (more…)

Portion Size Reality Check: Learn How to Eat Healthy Starches

By Janis Jibrin, M.S., R.D., TheBestLife.com lead nutritionist

A little calorie denial is OK, but if your denial’s deep, sooner or later you’ll pay the price on the scale. My recommendation: Take a few weeks to measure your food. Once you get portions under control, you’ll automatically cut back on calories. Rolling your eyes already? I know, so many people can’t stand the idea of measuring, but I’m going to make it a little easier by asking you to track just one type of food for a week.

Sure, you could measure and weigh everything that crosses your lips, but most of us aren’t getting fat off of fruit, vegetables, fat-free milk, fish and other healthy, low-calorie foods. It’s bread, potatoes and other starchy foods, as well as fried foods, sugary beverages, sweets, salty snacks, and too much butter, oil, mayo and other fats that get us all into trouble.

This week, I’m going to ask you to focus on one major waistline saboteur: starches. Your goal is to cut way back on white bread, white rice and other refined grain products and enjoy healthy starches like whole grains and sweet potatoes in moderation. (They’re more nutritious and make you feel fuller than refined grains.) For some people, the “in moderation” part can be tricky. That’s why you’ll get so much out of measuring and tracking servings this week; pretty soon you can put away the measuring cups and just eyeball your plate. In just a few weeks, you’ll emerge a portion pro, and you’ll love the results on the scale. (more…)

Mindfully Eat Your Way to Weight Loss This Fall

In many parts of the country, fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Other bonuses of the season including being able to exercise outdoors without fear of heat stroke and the holidays are quickly bringing family an friends together. However, that’s also a downside. With the holidays comes the lure of many enticing foods that will quickly pack on the pounds. Fad diets that promise quick weight loss may show results at first, but many times lost weight is regained as soon as the holiday decor is taken down.

Before this holiday season gives you even more reasons to overeat, change your bad eating habits in favor of ones with lasting weight loss.

We spoke with Susan Albers, PsyD., a clinical psychologist and author of Eating Mindfully, to hear her advice on how to achieve weight loss goals through permanent changes in eating habits.

“Seventy-five percent of overeating is caused by emotions, yet most of our diets focus on food, which is why they fail,” she said. “They don’t teach what to do for cravings or slip ups.”

Instead of another diet failing, focus on what she calls mindful eating. It’s not a diet with menus or recipes, instead it’s about changing psychological habits. “It’s more about how you eat than what you eat,” Dr. Albers said. (more…)

Six Reasons to Start Your Diet on Labor Day

I’ve been writing for Diets In Review for a while, but I just found out recently that Labor Day is the second biggest diet day of the year; I am assuming following New Years Day.

With the rush of back to school and getting ready for the holiday season, I did not expect weight loss to be a high priority for many people. As the weather cools off and we look forward to boots and sweaters and layers, I expected fewer people to be concerned with dieting.

While I am slightly surprised to find out that Labor Day is the second biggest diet day of the year, there are reasons why it makes sense.

Back to school time, at least for me, brings to mind fresh notebooks and clean slates. If you grew up thinking of each fall as a new beginning, then autumn might be the perfect time for a habit change for you. (more…)

6 Ways to Eat Like a Skinny Person

Think people who maintain a healthy weight avoid junk food or are slaves to the gym? You may be right, but there’s a missing link you should know about. In fact, the way you eat can be just as important as what you eat, as evidenced in a study from Cornell University. During the study, researchers watched 213 diners at Chinese restaurant buffets and they found some fascinating differences in the ways thin and overweight people ate.

Want to eat like a skinny person? These tips should help:

Choose Wisely. Thinner study participants poured over food choices before filling their plates. Choose only foods you enjoy and that satisfy you—then leave the other stuff off your plate.

Chew Slowly. A difference of only three chews per bite separated the thin from the overweight in the study, but the difference isn’t as small as you think. In fact, increased chewing per bite of food has been linked to lower body mass index. (Your eating speed may also affect your diabetes risk; read more.) Chewing impacts satiety, so take some time with every bite. And be sure to check in with yourself throughout the meal, registering your hunger and fullness levels using the Hunger Scale.

Forget the Fork. Could chopsticks be a get-slim secret? The study certainly points to a difference—heavier participants tended to use forks to shovel in the food, while slender eaters slowed down their eating pace with chopsticks. (more…)