Tag Archives: diet myths

Busting Food Myths, Part Two

Last week we started busting food myths, which included whether eggs spike your cholesterol and what alcoholic drinks have health benefits. This week we finish the series with a focus on produce and caffeine. If you have any other food myths that you would like busted, let us know and we will bring you the facts!

Myth: Fresh vegetables and fruits are more nutritious than frozen ones.

Fact: The truth of the matter is that not everyone has access to a farmers’ market where produce can be purchased very soon after it has been pulled from the ground. With that said, the produce you are buying in your grocery story is very likely older than you think.


6 Weight Loss Excuses that Aren’t Cutting it

Excuses are all too common to the process of getting into shape. (And, no, round is not a shape!) Some of them are legitimate: time is short for all of us, work and family responsibilities pile higher and higher, and exercise is often seen as an expensive, unnecessary burden. Let’s take a look at the most common excuses that are used and blow them out of the water. Your best body is right around the corner!diet excuses

1. I don’t have time. Make time. Take a good, solid look at your schedule. Do you watch television? Maybe during a never-missed show you can add treadmill time. Or do squats, sit-ups and lunges during commercial breaks. Walk during your lunch hour. Run the stairs at your house for ten minutes three times a day. Wake an hour earlier. Somewhere in your schedule there is a chunk of time hiding. Find it. (more…)

Negative Calorie Foods Are Just Another Diet Myth

Have you heard celery and grapefruit called “negative calorie foods” and wondered if it was just a myth or actually true?  Read on to find out the facts about this dieter’s phenomenon.grapefruits

So the theory goes that there are foods that provide negative calories, presumably because the calories it takes to digest the foods are greater than the calories in the food. While it is true that digesting food burns calories, it is not true that any food has negative calories. (more…)

Calories Versus Exercise: Can’t They Both be Friends?

exercise and dietThanks to the article in Time magazine last week, there has been a lot of attention paid at the controversy surrounding the actual benefits of exercise when it comes to weight loss. While author John Cloud sure got people defending both sides of the argument, a closer look at this ensuing discussion in the weight loss and weight loss maintenance world is needed.

Cloud may have created a more convincing and less dangerous argument had he recommended the function and usefulness of maintaining a regular, moderate-intensity workout routine rather than suggesting that exercise and reduced caloric intake are perhaps not required to lose weight. (more…)

Interview with Dr. Nancy Snyderman, author of Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat

Dr. Nancy Snyderman is the NBC News chief medical editor as well as the author of the recently released “Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat: And the 101 Truths That Will Save Your Waistline and Maybe Even Your Life.” This comprehensive and incredibly formative read provides clear, scientifically-proven, and practical advice that can lead you to a healthier and happier life.


We had the pleasure of talking with Dr. Snyderman about her book as well as her own diet and weight struggles. Here is what this medical expert, mother, journalist, and author had to say about what it takes for us to be truly  healthy.

In your book, you coined yourself a professional dieter, in addition to all of the professional and personal roles that you undertake. What inspired you to write, Diet Myths That Keep Us Fat?

First off, I am every woman. I am every female who has ever struggled with her weight and who probably still has those extra few pounds to lose. (more…)

5 Diet Myths Debunked

woman with clockWhen it comes to dieting and losing weight, we’ve heard some real doozies. We want to clarify some of these “myths” to help you make healthy choices, and not live in fear of food.

1. “Never eat late at night/after a certain time (i.e. after 8pm) because you’ll gain weight and store more fat.

Well this isn’t always true. The two important things to keep in mind are total calories you are taking in for the day and what your schedule is like. Total calories translates into weight gain. If you take in more calories than you need and expend throughout your day you will start to put on some extra pounds.  Second, knowing your schedule and when you’ll be wake is very important. If you work night shifts, you may be eating breakfast at 1 p.m. and dinner at 9 p.m. (more…)