Tag Archives: Carrie Labowitz

Achieve Healthy Goals with Social Networking

Guest blogger Carrie Labowitz is a business professional/blogger that uses her network of followers to stay on track and reach her goals.  Follow her on her blog, Fit to Fat and Back.

Last year a friend introduced me to social networking and I found myself spending hours searching for friends and family. I noticed how everyone was updating their status to reflect plans for the day or goals, what I really found interesting was the support they received from their friends. 

It was then that I started to wonder if I could find a group online to support me in my weight loss and wellness goals.

I found site after site specifically set up to provide me with the tools I needed to achieve my goals. Frankly, I joined too many sites, but eventually narrowed it down to sites I found most helpful. A year later I have lost 40 pounds and have started running. 

I accomplished these things with the support of my family and friends, but largely due to the support of the online community I connected with as a result of social networking
