Tag Archives: carol dunlop

Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin Warns Black Women not to Sacrifice Their Health for Their Hair

Growing up as a little girl, I can remember my mom spending a lot of time straightening my hair. She would go through the process of washing and pressing it, then she would section it out into some nice, pretty ponytails and I would head outside to play. On my way out the door she would yell, “Don’t sweat your hair out!,” a phrase most black women heard growing up.

What my mom meant was I shouldn’t go outside and get all sweaty, because that would reverse all the work she had just done. Any moisture on my hair would result in it becoming puffy and curly again. Many women grow up with the mentality of avoiding any type of sweat for fear of messing up their hair. Some even go as far as avoiding exercise in the name of beauty.

Black women have the type of hair that requires a lot of maintenance, and if time and money are spent in the beauty salon getting it styled and straightened, most aren’t likely to hit the gym and allow sweat to ruin it. Unfortunately, when this happens, health suffers. Some may think avoiding workouts to keep their hair intact isn’t a big deal, but the issue is serious.

In fact, Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin made an appearance at the recent Bonner Brothers International Hair Show in Atlanta, an annual show that features around 60,000 hair stylists. Dr. Benjamin, who is an African-American woman, wants to make sure black women know that a hairstyle shouldn’t keep you out of the gym.


Parents Guide for Keeping Workouts on Track

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your Free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” check out her website, OptimumBodySculpting.com.

Soon, the pitter-patter of little feet will be heard more often and even louder throughout your house. Why? It’s spring break!

Then comes summer. Either of these events can put a huge strain on you when attempting to keep your workouts on track while catering to kids of all ages and keeping them busy during their break from school. Actually, the only people who call it a
break are school officials. I’m sure you have other words for it.

However, you can survive the “break” and keep your workout regimen on track by following a few simple steps: (more…)

7-Step Guide to Conquering Your Swimsuit Meltdown Moments

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your Free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” check out her website, OptimumBodySculpting.com.

Aaaah Spring! The images that come to mind; flowers, sun, sand and bikini season! There, I said it, that dreaded 2-word phrase that can cause you to run to the cottage cheese isle for weeks on end. Wait! It doesn’t have to be this way. Follow my 7-Step guide and make this bikini season the one that makes you utter, “Bring it on, baby!”

Step 1: Eat Breakfast: Never skip breakfast, it’s the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast makes your body believe that you’re starving. Eating breakfast gives you an energy boost and prevents you from overeating later in the day, not to mention keeping you alert and attentive to detail.


Seven Tips to Make This Your Losing Season

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” visit her website: OptimumBodySculpting.com.

The holiday season is almost here. I know it’s hard to think about or even believe but soon you’ll be humming the reindeer song and thinking about the best dessert to bring to Aunt Mary’s soiree. Turn the tide this holiday season and come out on the losing end with these easy-to-follow tips. (more…)

How to Make Healthy Eating a Way of Life

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” visit her website: OptimumBodySculpting.com.

When you think about healthy eating, what comes to your mind? Carrots and celery?

Yes, they are healthy, but are they the type of foods you think about as gotta-haves? No, I’ll bet they don’t conjure up those thoughts.

Usually, when you hear someone is eating healthy, it’s accompanied by thoughts of blandness. Healthy eating doesn’t have to be a sacrificial plate filled with flavorless varieties of rabbit food.

Really think about what you eat

While healthy eating may not bring about the best thoughts, it is synonymous with losing weight. When you focus on pain and sacrifice, this is when healthy eating is no more than something to do. Instead, you should be thinking about how this will change your lifestyle for the better, making you more aware of your everyday food choices. (more…)

Control Your BMI and Control Your Health Care Costs

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” visit her website: OptimumBodySculpting.com.

Starting in 2024, the federal government is requiring doctors to record your BMI (Body Mass Index), a measurement of your body fat and muscle mass based on your height and weight, in their electronic records. It doesn’t have to be a scary thing. If you start to address it right now, this extra piece of information can be used for your good health.

These three little letters have caused so much talk and controversy in recent days. Everyone is wondering how it will be used in the future against you, i.e., higher insurance rates, possible “obesity tax,” etc.

But, there’s no need to panic. You can take control of your situation by putting together a plan of action that includes sensible eating, regular exercise and lifestyle changes.

Check out these simple steps to put in place  now to avoid the “I’ve got to do something!” syndrome later.


How to Make Healthy Choices with Weak Willpower

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” visit her website: OptimumBodySculpting.com.

If you really want to make healthy choices in your life, you can do it, even if all you really want is a nice, sugary donut.

I feel you. I love donuts, especially those from Krispy Kreme – they’re the best! But there is a time and a place for everything. And on your quest to make healthier choices, you can still carve out a spot for a donut.

No kidding. I’ll layout the plan below, so keep reading.


What to Do After Reaching a Weight Loss Goal

Guest blogger, Carol Dunlop is certified through FiTour as a Personal Trainer and through the American Red Cross as a CPR, AED and First Aid Instructor. She has competed and placed in several Fitness America and National Bodybuilding competitions. To receive your Free E-course “How to Burn Calories While you Sleep,” check out her website, OptimumBodySculpting.com.

Congratulations! You’ve overcome a huge hurdle in achieving your weight loss goal. It took a lot of hard work, determination and commitment to get this far, but don’t rest on your laurels just yet. Your journey isn’t over. Now comes the hard part, keeping the weight off.

Did you know that two out of three people who lose weight regain all of it and sometimes more, in as little as two years? If you don’t want this happening to you, read on to learn how to keep that weight off, for good.
