Tag Archives: anthony kiedis

Madonna Invests in Coconut Water

coconut waterMove over Gatorade and Vitamin Water. There is competition in the beverage case and the Material Girl is one of the first to hop on the newest hydration bandwagon of coconut water.

Coconut water is a wildly popular new drink that has recently hit stores all across the country like Whole Foods and other national grocery store chains.

The New York Post just reported that Madonna is investing $1.5 million in one of the largest coconut water manufacturers in the country, Vita Coco. Other celebrities like actor Matthew McConaughey and singer Anthony Kiedis of the Red Hot Chili Peppers are also rumored to soon be lending their cash to help make coconut water more mainstream.

And it’s no wonder. Coconut water is quick becoming a favorite among yoga practitioners, fitness enthusiasts and those just looking for a nutritious way to stay hydrated.
