Author Archives: Patrick

About Patrick

Patrick Moore is dedicated to an old school pursuit of the sporting life, breaking a sweat in competitive activities like golf, sailing, ultimate frisbee, clay pigeon shooting, and volleyball. He is currently pursuing a bachelor's degree from Wichita State University.

8 Things Miss Universe Eats Prove Not all Pageant Beauties are Starving Themselves

Gabriela Isler is two weeks in to her campaign as Miss Universe and recently revealed her diet secrets to Shape Magazine. The vivacious Venezuelan TV anchor is certainly a natural beauty, and her simple diet reveals that a little preventative maintenance goes a long way. The 5’10” South American sweetheart allows certain indulgences in her diet and even enjoys decadent snacks throughout the day.

miss universe

Her relatively liberal diet gives further credence to negative claims about restrictive diets. Gabriela exercises moderately, never overeats, and is always on the go. The above picture is evidence that she must be doing something right. The most beautiful woman in the universe is the picture of health and beauty, and the eight staples of her daily diet set a good example for young women everywhere.

Cucumber Sticks

Gabriela indulges in cucumber sticks with Greek yogurt for a quick pick-me-up snack. You can’t eat a cucumber without feeling like you did your body a favor. Cucs pack a major vitamin punch, as they are high in vitamins A, B1, B6, C, D, and calcium. The fourth most highly cultivated vegetable also hydrates the body, promotes digestion, and even prevents bad breath.


As we’ve proved time and time again, pancakes don’t have to be bad for you. Gabriela enjoys pancakes with fruit, and prefers a light peanut butter spread over traditional sugary syrups. Our Carrot Cake Pancakes are made with coconut milk and whole wheat flour and are low on carbs and calories. Depending on the fruit you choose, you could be getting an easy shot of antioxidants, potassium, cancer fighting carotenoids, and a host of other vitamins. (more…)

Reverend Al Sharpton Released from the Prison of His Own Body after 170 Pound Weight Loss

In an all encompassing interview about his life, airing this Sunday on OWN, with media mogul Oprah Winfrey, the Reverend Al Sharpton discussed his substantial weight loss. The civil rights leader, who’s always been a fierce orator, decided to become just as passionate about his health as he was with his beliefs. After a max weight of 305 pounds left him feeling like a “prisoner in my own body,” Sharpton has since lost nearly 170 pounds.


The 135-pound Sharpton once coupled his larger than life sermons with an equally boisterous body. While his physique can now be best described as shockingly petite, he’s still a spitfire in the pulpit. His come-to-the-scale moment happened when he realized the contradictions involved in preaching self-control while he overate and lived a lethargic lifestyle. He told Oprah, “We can’t preach community control when we aren’t practicing self-control.”

So, how did the good reverend do it? Simple portion control and exercise. He swapped platefuls of fried chicken for whole grains and salads and exercises on a cardio bicycle everyday. “You live seven days a week, that means you should exercise seven days a week,” he told Oprah. (more…)

More Deadly Chemicals Looming in Foods We Already Eat; FDA Warns of Acrylamide

It’s time for our weekly “Everything You Eat Will Somehow Kill You” blog post. We all know the health consequences of eating fast food and oversized restaurant portions, and just last week we learned that many seemingly harmless grocery store products secretly contain trans fat. Personally, I’ve been avoiding all risk by subsisting on small berries and nuts I gather through urban foraging, and when I want to treat myself to an actual meal, I haven’t dared venture out of my chemical-free kitchen. But my extreme measures may be all for naught, as the FDA has revealed that cooking food at home—even the most organic of natural grains and vegetables—could kill us all.


Pardon my apocalyptic tone, but it’s true. Acrylamide—a chemical that naturally forms in foods prepared at high temperatures—is a carcinogen that can cause severe nerve damage in high doses. A scary fact when you consider the stuff “is found in 40 percent of the calories consumed in the average American diet,” according to the FDA in a release posted today.

Side note: acrylamide is also used as an industrial chemical in waste water treatment. Yum. (more…)

31 Brands Selling Trans Fat-Laden Foods That Will Soon be Banned

As you know by now, trans fat is finally getting kicked to the curb. Trans fat, a packaged food additive also known as partially hydrogenated oil, is added to food for its preservative quality and contributes to artery clogging and cardiovascular disease. The FDA’s proposed ban hopes to prevent 7,000 deaths from heart disease and 20,000 deaths from heart attack per year.

special k bars

Over the next 50 or so days, the FDA will be pouring over scientific data to determine if trans fat needs to be removed from the GRAS, or “generally recognized as safe,” list of foods. If trans fat are indeed determined to not be GRAS, any food product with trans fat will be deemed illegal for sale in the U.S. Under current guidelines, if a food product contains less than 0.5 grams trans fat, shown as partially hydrogenated oils on the ingredients list, the nutrition label can claim it has 0 percent. Sketchy stuff.

Trans fat won’t disappear completely, as it naturally occurs in some dairy and meat products. But the artificial stuff—created when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil—is lurking in many of the popular food items on grocery store shelves. Peanut butter, popcorn, and frozen foods are the more well known products that contain trans fat, but those are just the tip of this fatty iceberg. Soon, trans fat will be banished from the supermarket, but until then, we’ve compiled a list of the trans fattiest foods at your local grocer.

Betty Crocker Bisquick and Canned Frosting

Breakfast Cereals

  • Kellogg’s: Corn Pops, Eggo Cereal, Honey Smacks, Smorz, Mini Swirlz Cinammon Bun, Rice Crispies Cereal
  • General Mills: Basic 4
  • Post: Cocoa Pebbles, Fruity Pebbles, Oreo Os, Waffle Crisp

Coffee Mate Coffee Creamer (Multiple Flavors)


Duncan Hines Cake and Cupcake Mixes

Nabisco Fig Newtons (more…)

No Fat Girls Allowed at Lululemon Athletica

It’s been a sour year for Lululemon Athletica. First, the company was forced to recall nearly 20 percent of their yoga pants because they were basically see through. As if the massive product shortage wasn’t enough, they proceeded to mock a domestic abuse charity in Dallas. And when Lululemon co-founder Chip Wilson was asked to reflect on the yoga pants fiasco, he offered this gem: “Frankly, some women’s bodies just don’t actually work for it.”

He just said that. That’s what he told Bloomberg TV earlier this week, when his wife and co-founder Shannon Wilson were on the air to talk about their 60 second meditation technique that they probably charge $100 for. Shannon quickly went into damage control, spinning Chip’s message into a “we’re more concerned with people using our pants in the wrong way” kind of thing. She literally blamed the “see through” pants fiasco on the fact that people might be sitting on cement.

“Not every woman can wear a lululemon yoga pant?” said Trish Reagan, host of Bloomberg TV. “No I think they can,” said Chip. “I just think it’s how you use it.” Right.

It would be nice if that’s what the lululemon founders really meant. But this is the same elitist and discriminatory message they’ve been peddling for some time. This summer, the company posted a message to its Facebook page and acknowledged that their clothing is not meant for plus sized women. (more…)

Being a Rock Hard Papaw is a Mad Operation: Meet the Fittest Great Grandpa on the Internet

This is a story about a 64-year-old retired teamster from Louisville, Kentucky who has the body of an Olympic weight lifter.

His name is Robert Durbin, but you can call him “Rock Hard Papaw.”

rock hard papaw

Why Robert is not a viral video star is beyond me, but the old man—who was once overweight after a series of ankle injuries and a heart aneurism—regularly publishes videos of himself pulling off feats of strength on his YouTube Channel.

Robert works out three hours every day, his regimen a combination of strength training, CrossFit, and yoga. “I do 150 pull ups a day and 400 push ups a day,” he said. “It’s a mad operation.”

Mad indeed, but the Rock Hard Papaw isn’t fading away in the twilight of his life. “I feel 45. I’ve never felt this way. I know I look old, but I don’t feel like it.”

Just five years ago, Robert needed canes and walkers to get around, and was fitted with metallic braces on his ankles to help mobility. “Then I had an extended aortic aneurism. My health was going downhill fast and I just wanted to be able to do stuff with my grandkids,” explained Robert. (more…)

Trans Fat Gets Fried: FDA Moves for Total Ban on Trans Fat


The FDA has announced that partially hydrogenated oil—aka trans fat—has been deemed unsafe for use in our food, and proposes it be banned completely.

Our resident nutrition expert, Mary Hartley, RD said “Good riddance to those greasy foods! Canned frosting? Stick margarine? Fake frozen treats? Gross. Those foods are suspect, not only because of the link between trans fats and cardiovascular disease, but because of wide-reaching inflammation from a host of artificial products. This could give people a reminder to eat real food.”

Artificial trans fat—an artery clogging substance responsible for the rise of heart disease in America—is created when big food manufacturers create solid fats from liquid oils.

For the next 60 days, the general public is encouraged to comment on the proposal, and food manufacturers will have the tough task of finding scientific evidence proving trans fat is safe for use in our food. (more…)

Blake Lively Doesn’t Pay Attention to What She Eats

Rumor has it that the toned beauty Blake Lively doesn’t need to work out or eat right to maintain her Helenian figure; and we can confirm this gossip to be true. The 26-year-old actress was recently asked to reveal her diet and workout regimen to People Magazine.Blake Lively

The answer? “None! I don’t need to have a [trainer] or pay attention to what I eat.” Must be nice.

Don’t take her frank comments as snark or snobbery, she’s been making these claims for a while now. Over a year ago, Lively told The Daily Mail the same thing. Back then, her secret to staying in shape was “Being 25 years old! That and a good metabolism.”

Seemingly aware of the impending decrease in her metabolic function, Lively made no buts about her laissez faire relationship with diet and fitness.

“In a few years, I’ll need to have a new secret, as in an incredibly strict diet regime.” While anybody would love to have Lively’s body type with no maintenance required, it’s important to suspend complete envy. The lifestyle of an actress is such that staying in shape is a fringe benefit. Per People, “I’m always on the go. I’m lucky to have an active lifestyle.” The constant movement, traveling, and training for film shoots and other appearances is sure to burn a ton of calories. (more…)

Highly Evolved: The New Grocery Shopper is Savvy, Cavalier and Frugal

Halloween may be over, but in the coming weeks, grocery stores across the country are going to become terrifying places. Hordes of shoppers will flock to supermarkets to stock up on sundries for Thanksgiving, Christmas and a myriad of other holiday soirees. If the clinking and clanking of steel in the aisles seems to be a bit more cacophonous this year, that’s probably because most shoppers are searching for deals on their smart phones.

Shopping Cart

Our friends at advertising agency Sullivan, Higdon, and Sink (SHS) put together an illuminating white paper on the subject, and found that smart phones, privacy issues and food packaging have changed the check-out game. Shoppers are using phones to find the best coupons and are increasingly more cavalier with what personal information they share.


McDonald’s and Burger King Violate Children’s Advertising Agreement Making Up 99 Percent of All Fast Food Ads Aimed at Kids

McDonald’s and Burger King agreed to advertise only healthy food offerings as part of the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative. Let’s see if they’ve kept their word.


When it comes to child marketing, McDonald’s and Burger King are selling the experience, not the food.

The above study, funded and published by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, has found the two largest fast food corporations aren’t as dumb as they look. They’ve figured out that showcasing their food is actually a bad idea. Obviously McDonald’s and Burger King cannot self-regulate their ads aimed at children. The facts are anything but elementary, as the tactics of these fast food behemoths are prolonging the childhood obesity epidemic. One-third of our children remain obese.

99 percent of all fast food ads aimed at children came courtesy of two companies.

Any guesses? Not a tough one here, folks. McDonald’s and Burger King placed 44,602 and 37,210 ads aimed at kids, respectively. This is disconcerting. Despite big fast food’s efforts to increase healthy offerings, the burgers, fries, and nuggets peddled in kid’s meals are highly caloric, highly fatty, and highly processed. To this day, no one really knows what McDonald’s chicken nuggets are made of.

Side note: A 3.3oz serving of McDonald’s eggs, which should be one of their healthiest menu items, contains 20 ingredients and 173 percent of your daily cholesterol intake. Just sayin’. (more…)

Super Famous Pumpkin Recipes from 5 Celebrity Chefs

Our society is obsessed with the flavor of an orange, ribbed, and often homely looking squash. And thanks in large part to a certain spiced latte, pumpkin flavoring has been used in everything from M&M’s to chili and hummus.

A flavor that’s become so ubiquitous can be downright annoying, but it’s not the pumpkins’ fault. The fact is, the ugly squash is a bona fide super food, high in fiber, potassium, and vitamins C and E. The pumpkin is also full of carotenoid, an antioxidant shown to reduce the risk of cancer. So, when done right, a pumpkin treat can be a relatively healthy diet extravagance.

We’ve compiled some delectable recipes by five celebrity chefs to give you a little pumpkin-spiration. When you decide to whip up a pumpkin dessert, remember that pumpkin pie filling and pumpkin filling are two totally different things. And you must never discard the seeds within, as they are full of healthy fats, zinc, fiber, iron, and manganese and make a pretty killer snack on their own.


Pumpkin Seed Brittle

Martha Stewart, the unofficial queen of Halloween craftiness, came up with this super easy recipe. You need less butter and brown sugar than you might think, plus honey, and pumpkin seeds. This recipe has all the decadence and crunch of old school peanut brittle, but the pumpkin seeds give it a nice seasonal, healthy kick. (more…)