10 Week Wedding Fitness Plan: Week 9

healthy brideWeek eight of the wedding fitness plan consisted of self-stretching exercises and I hope that you found them beneficial along with the previous weeks. Today the focus is on assisted stretching. Assisted stretching is a more advanced form of stretching due to the fact that you can stretch different parts of the body (that are unattainable by yourself) and stretch past the point of comfort. As a trainer, I stretch my clients after every workout to help lengthen the muscles and prevent the risk of future injuries.

Wedding Season Week 9:

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now!!” (Goethe)

Tip: Remember to listen to your body, it knows when enough is enough and when to push it.

Week 9 Wedding Fitness Plan (Self Stretching):

Assisted stretching is a great way to wind down a tough sweat-filled workout and to relieve a little more stress that runs our lives these days. Again, stretching has so many benefits and an assisted stretch just adds to the list of them. These benefits range from improving sleep patterns to increasing energy levels.

Like I mentioned above, assisted stretching is a great way to cool or wind down, reach the parts of the body unattainable by yourself, and stretch deeper to increase your flexibility level. I have put together a list of stretches below that I perform on my clients after a nice hard workout. I recommend holding or maintaining each stretch for two 20-second counts with a five-second relaxation period between them. Good luck!!

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