10 Ways Running Can Prolong Your Life

I believe there is no better exercise for the body than running. Running increases the heart rate, which in turn burns calories during and after the bout of exercise. This type of exercise helps relieve stress, decreases the risk of heart disease due to the flow of blood through the veins and arteries (clears blockages), strengthens the heart, increases stamina and endurance, and is a great way to get away from the world for a little while.

I strongly believe the key to success while running is listening to your body. Push yourself, but listen to your body. If your body tells you enough is enough; then stop for now and pick it back up the next day. In a way, running is kind of like yoga. In yoga, you stretch as far as your body allows and you maintain that certain stretch or position for a period of time and then release it. Eventually your body will allow you to stretch further and further, but it does not happen over night.

Use the yoga concept during your bouts of running. Listen to your body, do as much as you can do and eventually you will be able to start increasing your distances and decreasing your time per mile.

10 Ways Running Can Prolong My Life!!

1. Strengthens Heart

2. Increases Stamina/Endurance

3. Decreases Risk of Heart Disease

4. Improves Sleep

5. Decreases Stress

6. Lowers Blood Pressure

7. Increases Energy Levels

8. Good Healthy Hobby/Get Away From Reality

9. Improves Self-Esteem

10. Improves Coordination

Watch this video report from CNN to learn more about the ways running can extend your life span.

3 Responses to 10 Ways Running Can Prolong Your Life

Blake says:

I love running for all these reasons! I always feel so good after a good run. Thanks for the reminder of the benefits.

I found all those benefits to be true for me, too. I’m hoping that bicycling has the same benefits – cycling is easier on my knees.

A study in the Archives of Internal Medicine a month ago confirmed longevity benefits even in people running regularly after the age of 50. Not only that, disability rates were less than in non-runners. If interested, here’s the link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18695077?ordinalpos=5&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DefaultReportPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum


Joe Hrdlicka says:

Nice entry! While I’ve stretched my fitness efforts to include other activities like swimming, biking and weight training, running remains my base fitness activity. I just have to watch my knees. I’ve recently written about participating in “running groups”. I think “group runs” add to the health of running with stress-free conversation and bonding with other “like-minded” individuals.

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